[Equal] Women's Worlds Conference 2005 in Korea

Katharina von Salis vonsalis at pop.mydiax.ch
Mon May 5 18:03:34 CEST 2003

Inormation von Liisa Husu:

>For your information: The next and 9th International Interdisciplinary
>Congress on Women will take place in Seoul, South Korea in June 2005. These
>conferences have traditionally had extensive and interesting programme
>streams on gender issues in higher education and academia. See the very
>first announcement http://www.kaws.or.kr/english/message.html# - Further
>information on this and other relevant conferences will be distributed on
>the eq-uni list as information becomes available.
>If you are arranging or know of events that might interest other list
>members, please share your information by sending it to the eq-uni list.
>There are currently 310 people on this list from all continents and over 30
>countries. Remember that you can send messages to all on the list simply by
>using the email address eq-uni at helsinki.fi. Please note that attachments
>are a security risk and are not allowed on the list.
>Sunny regards from Helsinki
>  Liisa Husu * liisa.husu at helsinki.fi * eq-uni list moderator

Dr. Katharina von Salis
Via Maistra 31
Pf 130
CH-7513 Silvaplana

Tel. 0041 81 828 82 55

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