[Equal] Fwd: 6/message n° 11 Women and Science

Christa Sonderegger christa.sonderegger at unibas.ch
Thu Sep 18 17:03:11 CEST 2003

liebe equals

ich leite euch die letzten news zu women and science auf europäischer ebene 
weiter und hoffe ihr findet dabei interessante infos oder könnt diese an 
weitere interessierte weiterleiten (z.b. zum neu veröffentlichten call for 
proposals für eine "european platform of women scientists" oder eine 
teilnahme an der wir-conference (women in industrial research).

informieren kann ich auch darüber, dass die schweiz nun - unter dem mandat 
der helsinki-gruppe - offiziell an der wir-conference vertreten wird. wir 
sind froh, dass wir ruth freiburghaus, gleichstellungsbeauftragte 
derfachhochschulen nordwestschweiz dafür gewinen konnten.

herzlich grüsse christa sonderegger

>                                                                 MESSAGE N°11
>September 2003
>Recent Developments:
>Call for proposal for the European Platform of Women Scientists:
>The Commission has published on 9 September 2003 a call for proposal for
>Specific Support Actions for the establishment of a European Platform of
>Women Scientists (closure date: 9 December 2003). The European Platform will
>develop activities designed to promote women scientists and involve them
>more actively in shaping the science policy debate at national and European
>Further information on the Call, can be found at:
>Future perspectives :
>Women in Industrial Research (WIR):
>The international conference "Women in industrial research - Speeding up
>changes in Europe" will take place 10/11 October 2003 in Berlin/Germany.
>All information is available on the website www.wir-conference.de
>There you can also register electronically. Email: fif at dlr.de
>For the WIR-conference, the German and the French translations of the
>WIR-report will be available
>*       "Frauen in der industriellen Forschung. Ein Alarmsignal für Europas
>*       "Les femmes dans la recherche industrielle: réveillons l'industrie
>The WIR-Study and the WIR brochure on good practices of companies will also
>be available:
>*       Meulders, Danièle et al (2003) : "Women in Industrial Research:
>Analysis of statistical data and good practices of companies", Luxembourg:
>Office for official publications of the European Communities
>*       European Commission (2003): "Women in Industrial Research: Good
>practices in companies across Europe", Luxembourg: Office for official
>publications of the European Communities
>"She figures":
>This publication will contain a wide collection of statistics and indicators
>on the situation and profiles of women scientists in Europe and is due out
>in October.
>The Women and Science Unit,
>European Commission, Research DG,
>B-1049 Brussels
>Fax: +32 2 299 37 46
>Please help us keep our database accurate by sending us any changes to your
>contact details (e-mail, fax, telephone, address). If you wish to be removed
>from our mailing list, please inform valerie.gobbe at cec.eu.int

lic. iur. Christa Sonderegger, Universität Basel

Rechtsdienst des Rektorats
Leiterin Ressort Chancengleichheit

Petersgraben 35, Postfach, CH - 4003 Basel

Fon +4161 / 267 12 46
Fax +4161 / 267 30 03
E-mail christa.sonderegger at unibas.ch

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