[Equal] "Gender and Excellence in the making"

Martina Weiss weiss at swisscore.be
Fri Aug 20 16:46:57 CEST 2004

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen

Im Oktober 2003 hat in Florenz ein Workshop zu "Minimising Gender Bias in the
Definition and Measurement of Scientific Excellence" stattgefunden, organisiert von
der Women and Science Unit der Europaeischen Kommission, dem Women and Science
Network des "Joint Research Centers", und dem Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced
Study am European University Institute. Der Tagungsband "Gender and Excellence in the
Making" ist nun (ta-taaa, nur knapp zehn Monate nach der Veranstaltung!) verfuegbar,
entweder gedruckt zu bestellen ueber die untenstehenden Kontaktadressen oder
als pdf File herunterzuladen ueber den Link 

Mit besten Gruessen aus Bruessel
Martina Weiss


Record Control Number : 200417648
Quality Validation Date : 2004-07-19
Update Date : 2004-08-18
Title in English: Gender and excellence in the making
European Commission, DG Research, Brussels (BE)
Bibliographic Reference : EUR 21222 EN (2004) , 169 pp. Free of charge; 
		ISBN: 92-894-7479-3; 
		EUR-OP reference: KI-NA-21-222-EN-C
		Available from: Documentation Service of DG Research
		Fax: +32 2 295 8220
		E-mail: research at cec.eu.int
Abstract : The issue of gender and excellence represents a relatively young 
		research field in which questions, methods and answers are 
		developing rapidly. Scholars from very different fields and using 
		very different methodologies gathered together for the workshop. 
		Some participants were experts in measuring scientific output on a 
		large scale, while others were primarily oriented towards the 
		multifaceted issue of gender and science. Qualitative case studies 
		on micro-politics, text analysis on placement reports, experiments 
		with men and women judging each other, and extensive surveys on 
		success scores of men and women regarding research applications 
		were examined together in an effort to unravel the different 
		aspects of the complicated issue of gender and scientific 
		excellence. In this context, exchange of ideas and research results 
		were expected to be very fruitful: sometimes dissension is a major 
		source of inspiration for scientific developments.
		In this synthesis report, we have tried to summarise the most 
		important factual elements and discussions from the workshop, and 
		streamline the conclusions and recommendations arrived at in the 
		final session.This synthesis report opens with a description of the 
		problem, the dilemmas regarding existing measurements of scientific 
		excellence, followed by a chapter on masculinity and male bonus, 
		and the social dynamics regarding development and measurement of 
		scientific excellence. The next chapter investigates mechanisms 
		causing indirect gender bias and, finally, the report will draw 
		some general conclusions and make some recommendations.
Facet Codes : Social sciences
Availability in Languages : en
Publication Year : 2004
Publication Type : A report issued by the Commission as an EUR report and identified 
		by its EUR number
Projects : FP6-SOCIETY
Commission Service(s) : Research DG

Martina Weiss, Head of Office
SwissCore - Swiss Contact Office for Research and Higher Education
Rue du Trone 98, B-1050 Brussels
E-mail infodesk at swisscore.be, Tel +32-2-549 09 80,  Fax +32-2-549 09 89

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