[Equal] Calls for Proposals Women&Science, Ethics and Life sciences: 6. EU Frameworkprogramme

Widmer Maya mwidmer at snf.ch
Thu Jul 15 10:20:04 CEST 2004

Liebe Equals

Bitte die untenstehende Info möglichst breit streuen.

Maya Widmer

Maya Widmer
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Forschungsförderung
Wildhainweg 20, 3001 Bern
Tel.	031 308 22 22 
Fax	031 305 29 74
mailto:mwidmer at snf.ch

Dear Madam / Sir,

A workshop on open calls in Science & Society (Ethics in Science; Women & Science) and Life (Sciences Opportunities for Paramedical Research) in the 6th Framework Programme will be held on July 22, 2004 at Euresearch Head Office at 2 pm.

What is it about?

The workshop will provide an outline of Science and Society within the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development. In-depth information will be given on open calls for proposals on Ethics, Women and Science, as well as on Life Sciences.

Further information on topics of the calls for proposals can be found here:

Ethics: <http://www.euresearch.ch/servlet/euresearch.forms.DetailCall?CALL_ID=142&L_PARA=>
Women & Science:
Life Sciences: <http://www.euresearch.ch/servlet/euresearch.forms.DetailCall?CALL_ID=137&L_PARA=>

Who should attend?

All current researchers in academia, industry, research institutes and other research organisations interested in a Ethics and/or Life Sciences.

All current researchers in Gender aspects, as well as representatives of institutions seeking an opportunity to improve women's egalitarian access to top research positions.

How to register?

or by email: daniela.dimare at euresearch.ch

Best regards,

Dr. Daniela Di Mare and Dr. Andrea Degen 

Visit our new website! www.euresearch.ch 

Euresearch Head Office 
National Contact Points (NCP) EU Framework Programme
Effingerstrasse 19
POBox 7924
CH - 3001 Bern, Switzerland
Tel:  +41 31 380 6006
Fax: +41 31 380 6003
E-mail: life.ncp at euresearch.ch
Web:   www.euresearch.ch 


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