[Equal] WG: European Platform of Women Scientists - Job advertisement Secretary General

Widmer Maya mwidmer at snf.ch
Fri Jun 17 09:01:55 CEST 2005

Liebe Equals,
nicht gerade viel Zeit für eine Bewerbung, aber vielleicht sich interessiert jemand für dieses Job-Angebot.
Maya Widmer

Maya Widmer 
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds 
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Forschungsförderung 
Wildhainweg 20, 3001 Bern 
Tel.    031 308 22 22 / 37 
Fax     031 305 29 74 
mailto:mwidmer at snf.ch 
http://www.snf.ch <http://www.snf.ch/>  


Dear Helsinki Group members, 

I would like to draw your attention to the recently published job vacancy announcement for Secretary General of the European Platform of Women Scientists, which can be downloaded from the following web-link:

 <http://www.epws.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=52&Itemid=61> http://www.epws.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=52&Itemid=61 

The deadline for applications is 26 June 2005, which is why I am forwarding this to you now, rather than awaiting next week's meeting. Please could you forward to women who may be interested in applying.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Luxembourg. 

Kind regards, 


Tanya LEIGH 
Unit C4 - Women and Science 
Directorate General for Research 
European Commission 
B-1049 Brussels 

Tel. +32 2 296 46 93 
Fax +32 2 299 37 46 
E-mail Tanya.Leigh at cec.eu.int 

 <http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/science-society/women-science/women-science_en.html> http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/science-society/women-science/women-science_en.html 

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