[Equal] EQ-UNI: Conferences 2006-2009

Katharina von Salis vonsalis at dplanet.ch
Thu Sep 8 11:28:21 CEST 2005

liebe equals,
hier Liisa Husus Worte zur Zukunft der Konferenz, die eben in Oxford stattfand.
Liisa hatte die erste Konferenz 1998 in Helsinki organisiert und 
schaut offensichtlich auch dafuer, dass es weitergeht.
Beste Gruesse

>From: Liisa Husu <liisa.husu at helsinki.fi>
>To: eq-uni at helsinki.fi
>Oxford: the 4th  Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education.
>Summaries of tracks will  be posted on the conference website and on 
>this list soon.
>The sites for the 5th and 6th Conferences on Gender Equality in Higher
>Education have now been agreed: Germany will be the host in 2007 and Sweden
>2009 - please mark them now on your calendar!
>Berlin and Humboldt University will be hosting the 5th Conference on Gender
>Equality in Higher Education **August 28 - 31, 2007**. Contact person is
>Dr. Marianne Kriszio, Gender Equality Officer of Humboldt University, email
>marianne.kriszio at uv.hu-berlin.de, tel: +49-30-2093-2840, fax +49-30-2093-
>The 6th Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education will be held in
>Stockholm, Sweden in 2009. More information on the dates and contact
>persons will be posted later on this list.
>Other major conferences of interest for eq-uni people listed below -
>remember you can use this list for finding co-operation partners for
>sessions etc. - we are now 353 persons on the eq-uni list:
>2006: Australian Technology Network Women's Excecutive Development
>Conference "Change in Climate? Prospects for gender equality in
>universities?", Adelaide, South Australia, April 11-13, 2006. Call for
>papers deadline October 24, 2005. See http://www.sapmea.asn.au/wexdev2006
>2006: XVI ISA (Internat. Sociological Association) World Conference of
>Sociology in Durban, South Africa, 23-29  July, 2006. ISA Research
>Committee 32: Women in Society is running a series of 19 sessions in this
>conference, with several themes (academy, science, diversity, masculinities
>etc.)that might be of interest to the list members. Call for papers has
>been extended to ** November 15, 2005 **. More information on RC 32
>activities,  see
>2008: Women's Worlds 2008 conference "Moving Forward: Migrations and
>Dislocations" is going to be held in Spain, Madrid, Universidad Complutense,
>** July 3-9, 2008 **. Contact person: Teresa Langle de Paz, email
>tlangledepaz at yahoo.es.
>With best regards from Helsinki,
>Liisa Husu * liisa.husu at helsinki.fi * eq-uni list moderator

Prof. Dr. K. v. Salis
Glärnischstr. 11
CH-8805 Richterswil

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