[Equal] Ausschreibung

Maurer Elisabeth elisabeth.maurer at ufg.unizh.ch
Wed Dec 13 18:09:55 MET 2006

Liebe Equals

Gerne möchte ich Sie nachfolgend auf die öffentliche Ausschreibung von 
"Encouragement to Advance – Training Seminars for Women Scientists", 
4-tägige Seminare für fortgeschrittene Wissenschaftlerinnen in Brüssel, 
aufmerksam machen mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung an potentiell 
interessierte Kandidatinnen.
Weitere Informationen und Bewerbungsformulare finden Sie unter: 

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Elisabeth Maurer
Encouragement to Advance – Training Seminars for Women Scientists

Center of Excellence Women and Science offer Training Seminars for 
Women Scientists

A new programme 'Encouragement to Advance -Training Seminars for Women 
Scientists' intends to empower women scientists within the European 
Research Area (ERA), offering training on  appointment procedures for 
professorships in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, 
Germany, and the Czech Republic. Trainings encourage mobility and 
supranational careers in research  and higher education.

Seminars are accessible for women scientists from all disciplines, who 
do not yet hold a position  as a (full) professor but are qualified for 
appointments. Women scientists from countries participating in the 7 th 
European RTD framework programme can take part in the programme. 
Participants must  hold a PhD or equivalent degree for four to six 
years, speak English and the national language of the  country they 
wish to work in fluently, and have an understanding of the general 
landscape of academia in the country aimed at.

Each four-day-long seminar provides a surplus of knowledge due to 
international appointment  procedures, supervision of effective 
professorial lectures, and training of how to conduct negotiations  at 
universities committees; examination of application documents; 
individual support in career strategies development and 
career-objectives, as well as finding ones own benefit in an 
international academic landscape. Participants enter a Europe-wide 
network of women scientists subsequent to the  seminar. On the fourth 
day of training information focuses on European dimensions of science 
and  research. Experts give insights on European research policy, 
European Commissions 7 th framework  programme and the European 
Platform of Women Scientist EPWS.

The project Encouragement to Advance – Training Seminars for Women 
Scientists is supported  by the European Commissions 6 th RTD framework 
programme. An overall of 16 seminars, of 14 participants each, are held 
in Brussels from April 2007 until January 2008. Trainings are held in 
English or  German, due to participants needs. A charge of 250 € covers 
training, overnight costs, access to  communication platform and 
relevant documents given.

Please send in your application from now on, but latest until January 
26 th 2007, to participate in  Seminars from April 2007 onwards. 
Incoming applications at any later stage will be given access to  
Seminars from September 2007 onwards only. Due to specific criteria, 
successful applicants will be  matched in seminar groups. Therefore two 
optional seminar dates are offered to each participant in  due time. If 
both dates unfit, participants are waitlisted. Participation is to be 
likely then, but not guaranteed. Successful matching and participation 
in the project is enhanced by early application.

To apply to the programme, please send
	1) Application Form
	2) Letter of Motivation (maximum of 1000 words) to 
anke.lipinsky at cews.org.
No incomplete application will be taken into account.

Please send printed records to  Center of Excellence Women and Science 
Encouragement to Advance, Poppelsdorfer Allee 15, D- 53115 Bonn, 

Application records will be evaluated by an international Board of 
Experts. After successful evaluation enrolees  receive documents on 
further proceedings. Successful application to the programme gives 
access to training  seminars and a communication platform of 
international scientists.

Find more Information and applicationsforms on http://www.cews.org

Elisabeth Maurer
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Universität Zürich
Leitung UniFrauenstelle – Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann
Voltastrasse 59, CH-8044 Zürich
Tel. +41-44-634 29 91, FAX +41-1-634 43 69
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