[Equal] WG: Women and Science Headlines 19

Sonderegger Christa Christa.Sonderegger at unibas.ch
Wed May 3 16:51:15 CEST 2006

Liebe Equals

Anbei der neueste Newsletter der Women and Science Unit des DG Research der EU Kommission.

Mit besten Grüssen Christa Sonderegger



Von: RTD-WOMENSCIENCE at cec.eu.int [mailto:RTD-WOMENSCIENCE at cec.eu.int] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006 15:09
Betreff: Women and Science Headlines 19


Women and Science Headlines - 19:
Contact: Vera Fehnle <mailto:vera.fehnle at cec.eu.int <mailto:vera.fehnle at cec.eu.int> >                                                            Robert O’Meara <mailto:robert.o’meara at cec.eu.int <mailto:robert.o'meara at cec.eu.int%20>  >

Personnel Announcements 
Johannes Klumpers has been recently appointed as Head of the Women and Science Unit at DG Research. Furthermore, we welcome our recently-arrived seconded national expert, Ekatherina Charvalos from Greece and we regretfully inform you of the departure of Tanya Leigh, who has moved to the position of Assistant to the Director of Science and Society. 

FP6 Projects under Negotiation 
Our call for proposals last autumn yielded 61 proposals under various subjects including; Empowerment of women scientists and public debate, Women in science governance, Mobilising women for engineering and technology, Conference on gender and excellence, Deepening the knowledge base, Practical tools for gender mainstreaming and Mainstreaming strategic areas. 15 projects have been shortlisted and are currently in negotiation. 

The EC final contribution for this call shall be €5.75 million. 

She Figures 2006 
Given the success of She Figures 2003 which enjoyed consistent demand and wide dissemination, the Women and Science unit will be releasing the follow-up She Figures 2006 in Vienna on 15 May.  

The new publication makes available more recent statistics and indicators on Women and Science, based on data collected by national organisations in the EU Member States and Eurostat.  

Women in Science and Technology: the business perspective 
The members of the WiST expert group present their findings over 12 months of meetings concerning the private sector’s experience of gender equality policies. Academic experts and representatives from a range of world-class companies in a broad spectrum of sectors collaborated on this project and the report will be launched by Commissioner Potočnik at the WiST conference in Vienna on 15/16 May.

New Resource in Norway 

The Committee for Mainstreaming – Women in Science in Norway have developed a Resource bank for gender mainstreaming. It aims to be a tool for gender equality work in the academic sector. It includes statistics, literature, list of measures and best practises. 

See their english pages at: http://kvinneriforskning.no/english/ <http://kvinneriforskning.no/english/>  

ESOF 2006 -  Euroscience Open Forum 
Highlighting new research, new technology, new thinking! 
ESOF2006 is the second pan-European General Science Meeting to be held in Munich at the Forum am Deutschen Museum and the Deutsches Museum from July 15th to 19th, 2006

ESOF brings together all groups involved in the scientific endeavour. This includes researchers from different disciplines, policy-makers, representatives of industrial R&D, science journalists and the general public. It fosters debate about science and society, presents science and the humanities at the cutting edge and stimulates scientific awareness. A meeting of this kind becomes truly great only if we all contribute to the dialogue – therefore we invite you to take an active part in all the elements that constitute ESOF!

Go to http://www.esof2006.org/ <http://www.esof2006.org/>  for more details 

IIWE 2006 International Institute of Women in Engineering : Pushing for Sustainability 
This year’s IIWE summer seminar will take place from 30 June to 21 July in Paris, France.  The IIWE’s official language is English.  

The IIWE summer seminars are for students who are either currently undertaking their engineering studies or are recent graduates.  During three weeks we look at numerous non-technical topics that directly impact on today’s engineers: ethics, standards, communication techniques, cultural diversity, work/life balance, etc.  But we also have industrial visits, where we spend complete days at our sponsors’ sites: IBM France, Schlumberger and EADS.  Participants get a chance to talk to practicing women engineers and get a feel for what it’s really like to be “out there” on the job.  In the process, IIWE members form their own professional and personal network that they will use for their entire lives. 

This year a special accent is again placed on sustainability.  We’ll be looking at what women engineers are doing worldwide in this field and we’ll also see how their efforts can tie into the IIWE’s own multidisciplinary NCHP activity: The Nile Countries Hydro-management Project aims at transforming the role of women in the ten Nile basin countries from the water carriers to the water managers.  This project touches virtually every engineering and scientific field as well as a multitude of non technical disciplines.   It is of interest to all; for more info:

 http://nchp.epf.fr <http://nchp.epf.fr/>      


Past Present Future: From Women's Studies to Post-Gender Research 
In June 1982, Umeå University in Sweden organized the conference “Kvinnouniversitetet: Vetenskap, patriarkat, makt” (“Women’s university: Scholarship, patriarchy, power”). The conference was a milestone in the development of women’s and gender studies in the Nordic countries and significant in the construction of networks among young, female scholars in a new, expanding research field. The Centre for Women’s Studies and the National Graduate School of Gender Studies now invite you to the conference “Past, Present, Future - From Women’s Studies to Post-Gender Research” celebrating the 25th anniversary of “Kvinnouniversitetet”. The conference will take place 14-17 June 2007. 

Contact: kerstin.norlander at cws.umu.se <mailto:kerstin.norlander at cws.umu.se>  for further information 

Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Context 
6th European Gender Research Conference 
University of Łódź, Poland - 31 August to 3 September 2006 
The conference is a triennial event organized by the Association of Institutions for Feminist Education and Research in Europe (AOIFE). Previous European Feminist Research Conferences were held at the universities of: Aalborg (1991), Graz (1994), Coimbra (1997), Bologna (2000) and Lund (2003). Continuing this tradition, the 6th European Gender Research Conference plans to be a high-level, interdisciplinary event focused on gender research in a wide but well-defined range of thematic areas: 

*       changing concepts and practices of citizenship in relation to gender issues in Europe, 
*       interrelations between concepts and structures of citizenship and European multicultural contexts defined as intersections of race, ethnicity, sexuality, class, nationality, religion, etc., 

*       gender, science and technology and global citizenship, 
*       gender and participation in political and economic processes 

Full information on this event is available at http://www.gender2006.pl/ <http://www.gender2006.pl/>  

ELSA conference - Excellence in the Life Science Area – Adding the Gender Dimension 
The ELSA conference is due to take place on 5-6 October 2006 at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Participants will include researchers within gender and excellence, life science researchers, journalists and decision-makers. The two-day conference is divided into two parts, the first day will focus on the general issues of gender and excellence; we have gathered together recent research that will be reported as an opening to the conference. Important areas for discussion include the formal and informal roles of gatekeepers, the pros and cons of bibliometrics from a gender perspective, how to judge excellence in activities aiming at interactions between universities and the rest of the society, third-stream activities, and gender differences in major grant programs. The first part will be summarised in order to develop a common knowledge platform before tackling gender bias in the assessment of scientific excellence in detail. The Life Science Area will be used as a pilot area and specific issues for Life Science will be addressed during the second day with representatives from major European founding bodies, editorial offices and European universities. 

Go to http://ki.se/elsa <http://ki.se/elsa>  for more information 



Some news items that might be of interest… 

EU Media:               http://euobserver.com/?aid=20989&rk=1 <http://euobserver.com/?aid=20989&rk=1>  
                        http://www.euractiv.com/en/science/women-science/article-143887 <http://www.euractiv.com/en/science/women-science/article-143887>  
                        http://europa.eu.int/eracareers/index_en.cfm?l1=16&l2=1&newsletter=06_04 <http://europa.eu.int/eracareers/index_en.cfm?l1=16&l2=1&newsletter=06_04>  

UK Media:               http://www.economist.com/opinion/displaystory.cfm?story_id=6802551 <http://www.economist.com/opinion/displaystory.cfm?story_id=6802551>  

http://www.economist.com/opinion/displaystory.cfm?story_id=6800723 <http://www.economist.com/opinion/displaystory.cfm?story_id=6800723>       

US Media:               http://chronicle.com/daily/2006/04/2006041403n.htm <http://chronicle.com/daily/2006/04/2006041403n.htm>  
                        http://web.mit.edu/fnl/volume/184/hopkins.html <http://web.mit.edu/fnl/volume/184/hopkins.html>   

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