[Equal] UNICA Equality & Diversity Seminar, Brussels, September 27 & 28, 2007

EqualOpportunity (SL) equal at sl.ethz.ch
Fri Jun 8 13:03:56 MEST 2007

Dear Equals
please find information on an interesting seminar below. I have to forward it without the attachments mentioned, but you may of courses obtain them from the contact mentioned.
best wishes

Luzia Lehmann

Luzia Lehmann, Dr. Phil.I (luzia.lehmann at sl.ethz.ch)
Carla Zingg, dipl.ing.ETH     (carla.zingg at sl.ethz.ch)

Stelle für Chancengleichheit von Frau und Mann / Office of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
ETH Zürich, HG F 50.5, CH-8092 Zürich

Tel. +41 (0) 44 632 6026
mail: equal at sl.ethz.ch

	Dear colleague,

	UNICA is proud to invite you to the following event:

	TOPIC: seminar on Equality and Diversity in Higher Education "Getting in, Getting on, Getting through",

	WHEN: September 27 to 28, 2007

	WHERE: Vrije Universiteit Brussel

	TARGET GROUP: administrative and academic staff dealing with equality and diversity implementation in their university

	ISSUES: What factors interact with ethnicity to affect participation at university? Why in some disciplines are minority ethnic students less likely to achieve a high class of degree? Why do they often do worse in the transition to the labour markets? Why are women still under represented in Science, Engineering and Technology? How accessible are universities to disabled students? What should universities be doing to address these and other equality  issues?

	Attached you will find:

	- invitation to the seminar

	- the registration form

	- draft program of the seminar

	The deadline for registration is August 24th. Due to an international event in Brussels the same dates as the UNICA seminar, it is extremely difficult to find hotel accommodation. We therefore highly recommend taking care of your hotel reservation as soon as possible. The Secretariat has prebooked 30 rooms in hotels mentioned in the registration form. Unfortunately we will not be able to help finding accommodation for those who book after  d eadline.

	Kind regards,

	On behalf of Kris Dejonckheere

	UNICA Secretary General

	Sarah de Heusch
	UNICA Assistant
	UNICA Secretariat
	c/° Vrije Universiteit Brussel
	room 3M326
	Pleinlaan 2
	1050 Brussel
	Tel. : +32 2 629 22 40
	Fax : +32 2 629 22 93
	E-mail : unica at ulb.ac.be <mailto:unica at ulb.ac.be>   
	http://www.ulb.ac.be/unica <http://www.ulb.ac.be/unica> 



Guite Theurillat, déléguée du Bureau de l'Egalité des Chances 

>UNIL - UNICENTRE - rez-de-chaussée - 212.1
>1015 Lausanne - Dorigny
>021 / 692 20 84 - fax: 021 / 692 20 55

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