[Equal] Announcement: Assistant Professorship in Integrative Human Physiology in Zurich

Magdalena Seebauer seebauer at zihp.uzh.ch
Tue Jun 24 09:48:13 MEST 2008

The Faculties of Medicine and Science of the 
University of Zurich invite applications for

an Assistant Professorship in Integrative Human Physiology

at the Zurich Center for Integrative Human 
Physiology (ZIHP) as of November 1, 2008 or later.

We are seeking a dynamic scientist to head his or 
her own high level research program focused on 
human-based integrative physiology 
At present, the position is limited until 
December 2012. The University of Zurich is an 
equal opportunity employer. Applications from women applicants are welcome.

Written applications (two copies and a CD) should 
be sent by August 30, 2008 to the Dean’s Office, 
Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich, 
Pestalozzistr. 3/5, CH-8091 Zürich, Switzerland. 
For further information please contact: Prof. Dr. 
Thomas F.  Lüscher (head of the search 
committee), E-mail: 
<mailto:cardiotfl at gmx.ch>cardiotfl at gmx.ch or 
Prof. Dr. Max Gassmann (head of the ZIHP), 
E-Mail: <mailto:maxg at access.uzh.ch>maxg at access.uzh.ch).

The application documents must include all items 
requested in the „Instructions for submitting 
applications“ of the Medical Faculty of the 
University of Zurich. The leaflet may be 
requested from the Dean’s office of the Medical 
Faculty (Fax +41-44-634 10 79) or downloaded 

Please find the announcement also on 

Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP)
Dr. Magdalena Seebauer (Managing Director)
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 635 50 88 (Mon, Tue, Thu)
Fax +41 44 635 68 14
seebauer at zihp.uzh.ch

Joggen statt Insulin spritzen
Article on the cooperative project "Skeletal 
muscle function and insulin sensitivity" and the ZIHP in Unimagazin 2/2008

First ZIHP mini-symposium on translational 
research from bench to bedside: gastroenterology.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 14:00 h, Grosser 
Hörsaal OST, University Hospital Zurich
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