[Equal] WG: EPWS Secretariat - EPWS General Assembly 2009 -
Resolution 25 June 2009
Sonderegger Christa
Christa.Sonderegger at unibas.ch
Wed Jul 1 16:56:36 MEST 2009
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen
Mit der untenstehenden Mail haben die Mitglieder der Helsinki Gruppe, deren Vertreterinnen in der Schweiz Maya Widmer, SNF und ich, Uni Basel/Präsidium KOàFRAH sind, die Information erhalten das die Aktivitäten der European Platform of Women Sicentists EPWS ohne umgehende finanzielle Unterstützung eingestellt werden müssten. Die EPWS hat daher eine Petition lanciert, welche sich mit der Forderung um sofortige Unterstützung an die Entscheidungsträger der EU Kommission, des EU Parlaments und der EU Staaten wendet, siehe untenstehende Mail. Ich möchte euch bitten diese Petition mit eurer Unterschrift zu unterstützen. Zur Petition geht's auch hier http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/epwsresolution2009/index.html <http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/epwsresolution2009/index.html>
Die EPWS umfasst mittlerweile 170 Mitglieder aus 40 Ländern und vertritt 12'000 Wissenschaftlerlinnen Europa weit. EPWS hat sich in Brüssel bestens als Interessensvertretung für Frauen in der Wissenschaft und die Berücksichtigung der Geschlechterdimension in der Forschung etabliert. Nähere Informationen findet ihr auch unter www.epws.org <http://www.epws.org/>
Herzliche Grüsse
Christa Sonderegger
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Juni 2009 22:06
Betreff: EPWS Secretariat - EPWS General Assembly 2009 - Resolution 25 June 2009
Dear Colleague,
As member of the Helsinki Group on Women and Science, please be informed that the Third General Assembly of the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS in Brussels on 25 June 2009 adopted a Resolution calling for immediate financial support to the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS.
In view of the impending close-down of the EPWS Secretariat in Brussels, as a result of the current financial situation of the Platform, the signatories of the Resolution urge all responsible policy makers in the European Commission, the European Parliament and in the EU Member States to provide immediate financial support to EPWS to overcome the impasse created by existing financial structures and help to ensure the continuation of the acknowledged quality of the Platform's work, fulfilling an identified public need and an explicit political goal of the European Lisbon Agenda.
The participants of the EPWS Annual Conference "Scientific Culture, Communication, Gender - An Innovative Challenge for Women Scientists", Brussels, 25-26 June 2009 joined the delegates of the EPWS General Assembly 2009 in their call by signing the Resolution on 26 June 2009.
The Resolution has now been up-loaded on the EPWS home page at http://www.epws.org/index.php and is widely circulated for additional signatures.
The Resolution can be signed online directly at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/epwsresolution2009/index.html
We would very much appreciate your support in this matter and would be grateful if you could kindly disseminate this information among your colleagues and fellow institutions.
Thank you very much and best regards
Maren Jochimsen
Dr. Maren Jochimsen
Secretary General
European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS
Rue d'Arlon 38
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 234 37 50
Fax: +32 2 234 37 59
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