[Equal] WG: Urgent: Manifest the voice of women scientists in
EqualOpportunity (SL)
equal at sl.ethz.ch
Wed Jul 15 09:37:36 MEST 2009
Liebe Equals
Ich möchte Euch auf die Petition und den Sponsoring-Aufruf der European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS aufmerksam machen http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/epwsresolution2009/index.html <http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/epwsresolution2009/index.html> .
Es braucht dringend noch mehr Unterschriften. Bitte beachtet, dass Ihr für die Unterzeichnung der Petition KEINE Spende machen müssen. Der Spendenaufruf läuft separat http://support.epws.org/2000/05/donations.html <http://support.epws.org/2000/05/donations.html> .
Weitere Info zu EPWS: http://www.epws.org/index.php <http://www.epws.org/index.php>
Ich möchte Euch die Unterzeichnung der Petition sehr ans Herzen legen. Es geht dabei vor allem um die Sichtbarkeit der Plattform für Frauen in der Wissenschaft, welche sich in den letzten drei Jahren auf europäischer Ebene stark gemacht hat für diese, auch unsere Anliegen.
Herzliche Grüsse
Carla Zingg
Von: Delphine Poire [mailto:delphine.poire at epws.org]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009 17:04
An: Delphine Poire
Betreff: Urgent: Manifest the voice of women scientists in Europe!
Dear EPWS Member, dear Colleague,
As you are aware, the European Platform of Women Scientists is facing a very difficult time and will have to close its Secretariat in Brussels as a result of the current financial situation of the Platform.
A Resolution has been adopted by EPWS member organizations at the last EPWS General Assembly in June 2009 to urge all responsible European and national policy makers to provide immediate financial support to EPWS to overcome the impasse created by existing financial structures and help to ensure the continuation of the acknowledged quality of the Platform's work, fulfilling an identified public need and an explicit political goal of the European Lisbon Agenda.
To date 467 members and supporters have signed the Resolution. We appreciate every single signature on the list and thank those who made additional comments for their encouragement and support. We also appreciate your active dissemination of the Resolution and the EPWS Call for Donations.
However, we have to try harder. 467 signatures are far from the number of 12.000 scientists who are individual members of EPWS member organizations. These numbers need to become visible. The Platform needs - and, in acknowledgement of the past three years of its existence and activities, deserves - more! Every single signature is important! The higher the number of supporters, the better the chances for the Platform to interest policy makers and sponsors in the future of EPWS.
To show the number of scientists and practitioners behind EPWS, we need your signature as the representatives of EPWS member organizations and we need you to mobilize the individual members of your network/ organization to sign as well. We, therefore, urge you to read and sign the EPWS Resolution against the impending closing of the EPWS Secretariat in Brussels and to contact your individual members with the EPWS Resolution and encourage them to sign.
All the necessary information can be found at http://www.epws.org/index.php
The direct link to the Resolution is http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/epwsresolution2009/index.html
Please note: You do NOT have to donate to iPetitions so sign the Resolution! When signing the Resolution, please note that all donation requests on this website are NOT on behalf of the European Platform of Women Scientists. If you wish to make a donation to EPWS, please go to the EPWS website where a Call for Donatios to EPWS has been launched at http://support.epws.org/2000/05/donations.html
Sign the Resolution! Manifest the voice of women scientists in Europe!
Best regards
Dr. Brigitte Mühlenbruch Dr. Maren Jochimsen
EPWS President EPWS Secretary General
Dr. Maren Jochimsen
Secretary General
European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS
Rue d'Arlon 38
B-1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 234 37 50
Fax: +32 2 234 37 59
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