[Equal] Interesting upcoming events

Keller Seitz Monika (Prs) monika.keller at sl.ethz.ch
Mon Aug 19 11:04:07 CEST 2013

Engagiert im Job und guter Vater?! Väter diskutieren über ihre Lebensmodelle
25.09.2013, Podiumsdiskussion, Zürich
Wann ist ein Vater ein «guter Vater»? Einigkeit besteht zumeist darin, dass Väter sich ausreichend Zeit nehmen sollen für die Familie. Doch die Statistik zeigt, dass die Anzahl an Erwerbsarbeitsstunden zunimmt, sobald Männer Väter werden. Nicht einmal einer von zehn Vätern steckt zugunsten der Familie im Beruf zeitlich zurück. Sind die meisten also «schlechte Väter»? Ist ein hohes berufliches Engagement kompatibel mit positiv gelebter Vaterschaft?

The second Conference on Gender and IT Appropriation (genderIT 2014)
07.-09.05.2014, Conference at the University of Siegen (D)
Science has long researched the significance of gender for the appropriation and application of modern information technology. How do boys and girls, how do men and women make use of computers and modern media? What interests and needs can be recognized in this use? Are there differences, similarities or convergences? In lessons and training courses in the informatics domain, girls are and have long been underrepresented. This finding has its continuation in scientific education and on the job market, where few women engage in IT related subjects and professions. Also, they rarely take up leading positions. Consequently, the role of IT in education and work has to be further looked into. Career choices and qualification paths in the IT domain have to be investigated and possibly be developed in new and innovative ways.

NeuroGenderings III - The 1st international Dissensus Conference on Brain and Gender
08.-10.05.2014, Conference in Lausanne
Behind these international and transdisciplinary meetings lies NeuroGenderings (NG), a network which aims to elaborate innovative theoretical and empirical approaches for questions of sex/gender and sexuality for neuroscientists; to analyze the social and political underpinnings of the ongoing "cerebralization" of human life and especially of sex/gender, and to discuss the impacts of neuroscientific sex/gender research in sociopolitical and cultural fields.

...and if anybody participates at any of these events we are always very interested in feedbacks (or even more on a little text about it!)


ETH Zürich
Monika Keller, Dr. sc. nat. ETH  (monika.keller at sl.ethz.ch<mailto:monika.keller at sl.ethz.ch>)
Stelle für Chancengleichheit von Frau und Mann der ETH Zürich
Clausiusstrasse 37
CH - 8092 Zürich

Bürozeiten: Mo & Di (ganzer Tag), Do-Vormittag

Tel. +41 44 632 62 76
Fax +41 44 632 16 74
equal at sl.ethz.ch<mailto:equal at sl.ethz.ch>

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