[Equal] Doreen Massey kommt nach Zürich

Karin Schwiter karin.schwiter at geo.uzh.ch
Thu Mar 28 10:01:17 CET 2013

Dear Equals
We're happy to announce that the University of Zurich took up our 
department's suggestion and decided to award an Honorary Doctorate 
to the world-renowned feminist geographer *Doreen Massey* from the Open 
University (UK). We are pleased that Doreen Massey has accepted the 
award and has agreed to give a guest lecture during her trip to Zurich 
for the awards ceremony. Hence, we cordially invite you her lecture:

***Guest lecture**by Doreen Massey* *on* "*'Place' in the space of 
neoliberal globalisation*"
Thursday 25th of April, 16:15 h, University of Zurich, Campus Irchel, 
lecture hall G40

We're looking forward to her visit,
Karin Schwiter, Heidi Kaspar & Christian Berndt

Dr. Karin Schwiter
Senior Research and Teaching Associate

Department of Geography
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone +41 44 635 52 14
Mobile +41 76 442 32 76
karin.schwiter at geo.uzh.ch


New publication:
Schwiter Karin 2012: Aversions to the commodification of care: how young Swiss adults plan to organise their future families. Social and Cultural Geography, Online First.

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