[Equal] Gender-Stereotypen können auch tödliche Konsequenzen haben....
Keller Seitz Monika (Prs)
monika.keller at sl.ethz.ch
Thu Jun 5 11:18:02 CEST 2014
Hier mal ein etwas anderer Blick auf Gender-Stereotpyen...
Female hurricanes are deadlier than male hurricanes
Do people judge hurricane risks in the context of gender-based expectations? We use more than six decades of death rates from US hurricanes to show that feminine-named hurricanes cause significantly more deaths than do masculine-named hurricanes. Laboratory experiments indicate that this is because hurricane names lead to gender-based expectations about severity and this, in turn, guides respondents' preparedness to take protective action. This finding indicates an unfortunate and unintended consequence of the gendered naming of hurricanes, with important implications for policymakers, media practitioners, and the general public concerning hurricane communication and preparedness.
Schöne Pfingsten,
ETH Zurich
equal! Office of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
Clausiusstrasse 37
CH - 8092 Zürich
equal at sl.ethz.ch<mailto:equal at sl.ethz.ch>
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