[Equal] WG: Unibas Position - Professorship in High Performance Computing (Tenure-Track assistant professor or associate professor)

Kaczykowski-Patermann Honorata Stefania (Prs) honorata.kaczykowski at sl.ethz.ch
Thu Jun 26 08:28:04 CEST 2014

Von: Patricia Zweifel [mailto:patricia.zweifel at unibas.ch]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014 08:27
An: equal
Betreff: [Equal] Unibas Position - Professorship in High Performance Computing (Tenure-Track assistant professor or associate professor)

Die Universität Basel ist bestrebt, den Frauenanteil bei den Professuren zu erhöhen und ist deshalb an Bewerbungen von Frauen besonders interessiert.
The University of Basel is committed to increasing the proportion of female professors and is therefore particularly interested in applications from women.

The Faculty of Science of the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites outstanding scientists to apply for an
Professorship in High Performance Computing (Tenure-Track assistant professor or associate professor)
beginning in spring 2015.
The University of Basel is promoting the growing area of computer science where the two main research profiles are "Computational Intelligence" and "Distributed Systems". Through its Computer Science section, the Faculty of Science offers a full Bachelor and Master program in Computer Science.
Job Specifications
The applicant should have internationally recognized expertise in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC). He or she will strengthen the "Distributed Systems" profile of the Computer Science section with ideally both a theoretical and a practical background in the following areas:
- Parallel and distributed algorithms for HPC
- Programming languages and techniques for massively parallel systems
Experience and knowledge in applied fields, like life science informatics or social sciences, are a plus.
The position includes teaching duties in research related fields as well as core computer science at the Master and PhD level (in English) and at the Bachelor level (German preferred).
The successful candidate is expected to establish close cooperation within the university. Experience with industrial and academic cooperation is desirable. Applications from female candidates are particularly welcomed.
Applications must include a detailed CV, a list of publications together with selected publications, a research and teaching statement, as well as a cover letter with names of referees. Applications should be sent by e-mail (pdf, zip) to Prof. Dr. Jörg Schibler (Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 50, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland) at <dekanat-philnat at unibas.ch<mailto:dekanat-philnat at unibas.ch>>. For informal enquiries please contact the head of the Computer Science Section, Prof. Dr. T. Vetter <thomas.vetter at unibas.ch<mailto:thomas.vetter at unibas.ch>>. URL of the Computer Science Section: http://informatik.unibas.ch/

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