[Equal] Lecture and workshop with Prof. Geraldine Pratt on November 24th/25th

Karin Schwiter karin.schwiter at geo.uzh.ch
Tue Nov 10 15:49:19 CET 2015

Dear all

With great pleasure, we announce that feminist geographer Prof. Geraldine Pratt from the University of British Columbia, Canada, will be our guest at the Department of Geography in Zurich from November 20st to 28th. 

Prof. Geraldine Pratt will give a public lecture on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 16:00 in Y-15-G-91 on Filipino migrant labour, testimonial theatre and transnational public engagement (see abstract and bio attached).

We’ll continue the discussion with Prof. Geraldine Pratt in a workshop on Wednesday morning, November 25th, from 10:00 to 12:00 (room tba). The aim of this workshop is to engage with Geraldine Pratt's work and discuss methodological innovations and efforts of creating more participatory knowledges and public conversations and to get feedback from her on issues and questions that are relevant in our own ongoing research.

While the lecture is open to all interested, the workshop is limited to 20 participants. Please register for the workshop via e-mail to karin.schwiter at geo.uzh.ch <mailto:karin.schwiter at geo.uzh.ch>.

We’re looking forward to your participation!

University of Zurich - Department of Geography
Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland  

Karin Schwiter Ph.D.
Lecturer / Research Group Leader

Office   +41 44 635 52 14
Mobile +41 76 442 32 76
Website <http://www.geo.uzh.ch/en/units/economic-geography/about-us/staff/schwiter-karin/#c1455>
New publication: 
Schwiter, Karin et al. (2015) Neoliberal austerity and the marketisation of elderly care. In: Social and Cultural Geography. Online first.

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