[Equal] Course: Gendered Impacts of Economic Globalisation (19th – 21st May 2016)

ruveni.wijesekera at izfg.unibe.ch ruveni.wijesekera at izfg.unibe.ch
Tue Apr 5 17:03:51 CEST 2016

Dear all,

Module C: Gendered Impacts of Economic Globalisation (19th – 21st May 2016)

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ICFG), University of Bern, commenced its third round of CAS Gender, Justice, Globalisation in February 2016; the course will continue until March 2017 and each module can be attended separately. The seven different modules, i.e. on the gender dimension of human rights, work, gendered impacts of economic globalization and development or cultural differences, are introduced to the participants by a team of renowned experts.

Module C on Gendered Impacts of Economic Globalisation takes place from 19th – 21st May 2016 at the University of Bern. This module investigates the impacts of economic globalisation, with a particular focus on its gendered consequences. Participants are introduced to concepts of feminist economy, which critically analyse conventional narratives of globalisation and mainstream discourses on economic growth and economic crises. Also addressed are interactions between economic liberalisation, export-oriented economic development, national and international economic policies and gender inequalities. Differences in the regional impacts of economic globalisation will be drawn upon to understand local responses and to assess questions of vulnerability and resilience. Recent conceptual thinking on the care economy will illuminate pressures triggered by the fact that women increasingly take on the role of breadwinner, while in the majority of societies care obligations traditionally also remain within their purview, albeit in a great variety of arrangements.

Course fee: CHF 1’600.00

Closing date: 2nd May 2016

Course language: English

Information and registration: www.izfg.unibe.ch<http://www.izfg.unibe.ch>/weiterbildung or cas at izfg.unibe.ch<mailto:cas at izfg.unibe.ch>
In the attached flyers you find more information on the module and the CAS Gender, Justice, Globalisation 2016/2017.

Ruveni Wijesekera


Universität Bern
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung IZFG

Ruveni Wijesekera
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Bereich Gender and Development

Vereinsweg 23
CH-3012 Bern

Tel +41 (0)31 631 52 34
ruveni.wijesekera at izfg.unibe.ch<mailto:ruveni.wijesekera at izfg.unibe.ch>

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