[Equal] Module: Gender and Human Rights (28th – 30th April 2016)

ruveni.wijesekera at izfg.unibe.ch ruveni.wijesekera at izfg.unibe.ch
Wed Mar 2 14:30:10 CET 2016

Dear Colleagues,

>From February 2016 – March 2017 the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (ICFG), University of Bern, conducts the CAS Gender, Justice, Globalisation. A team of renowned experts introduce the participants in seven different modules to the gender dimension of human rights, work, gendered impacts of economic globalization and development or cultural differences. Each module can also be attended separately.

The next module on Gender and Human Rights will take place from 28th-30th April 2016 at the University of Bern. This module explores the significance of human rights as an instrument for the struggle against discrimination and against violations of women’s fundamental rights. Participants will be introduced to the history and the international standards and conventions of women’s human rights. They will gain insight into international institutions which engage with gender issues. Included in this module is a trip to Geneva on the main topic of refugee women & girls, where the participants will meet representatives of UN institutions and other experts.

Course fee: CHF 1’400.00
Closing date: 4th April 2016
Course language: English

Information and registration: www.izfg.unibe.ch/weiterbildung<http://www.izfg.unibe.ch/weiterbildung>  or cas at izfg.unibe.ch<mailto:cas at izfg.unibe.ch>
In the attached flyer you will find more information on the module and the CAS Gender, Justice, Globalisation 2016/2017.

Best regards,
Flurina Derungs

University of Bern
Interdisciplinary Centre for
Gender Studies (ICFG)

Flurina Derungs
Research Scientist
Coordination CAS Gender, Justice, Globalisation

Vereinsweg 23
CH-3012 Bern
Tel +41 (0)31 631 52 34
flurina.derungs at izfg.unibe.ch<mailto:flurina.derungs at izfg.unibe.ch>
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