[Equal] Workshop Negotiation: Know what you want, get what you need

miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch
Wed Aug 16 09:22:02 CEST 2017

Die Medizinische Fakultät UZH organisiert im September einen Workshop mit
Prof. Dr. Kathleen B. Digre, Hedi Fritz-Niggli Gastprofessorin der UZH von

Negotiation: Know what you want, get what you need

Participants will
- be able to identify several negotiating strategies and develop an
understanding of the risks and benefits of their own negotiating style
- be able to model negotiating strategies in career advancement, the
clinical environment, and in personal interactions
- have the opportunity to practice their negotiation skills in small groups
and to give / get feedback from the other participants

Prof. Dr. Kathleen B. Digre, University of Utah
Prof. Dr. Beatrice Beck Schimmer, Faculty of Medicine UZH
Prof. Dr. Klara Landau, Faculty of Medicine UZH

Date and time:
September 15th 2017, 4 p.m. – 6.30 p.m., followed by an apéro

Target group:
Women Dr. med./MD/Ph.D. in medicine; employed at a Swiss University or
Univ. Hospital

Until September 4th 2017: fillingthegap at dekmed.uzh.ch
limited to 30 participants, first come, first serve

More information:

Beste Grüsse
Miriam Buchmann

lic.phil. Miriam Buchmann
Nachwuchsförderung und Chancengleichheit
Dekanat Medizinische Fakultät
Universität Zürich

+41 44 634 10 94 Telefon
miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch

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