[Equal] Anna Fischer-Dückelmann Visiting Professorship "Sex and Gender in Medicine", Faculty of Medicine, Zurich
miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch
miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch
Thu Oct 5 14:45:41 CEST 2017
Anna Fischer-Dückelmann Visiting Professorship "Sex und Gender in Medicine"
The Faculty of Medicine and the Executive MBA, University of Zurich, are
pleased to announce a second call for the Anna Fischer-Dückelmann Visiting
The 3-month visiting professorship at the Faculty of Medicine (UZH) in the
fall semester 2018 has a focus on the topic sex and gender in medicine. The
female visiting professor will advise the Faculty on, how to increase the
awareness of the importance of sex and gender and how to implement this
topic within the Faculty of Medicine. Furthermore, she will act as a role
model for young female medical doctors and encourage them to take on
management responsibilities.
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|Who:|Women Faculty from Schools of Medicine worldwide with leadership |
| |roles and experience and interest within their home institution in |
| |incorporating education of sex and gender principles in research and|
| |administration. |
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| | |
|Dura|3 months, fall semester 2018 (time period: September - December |
|tion|2018) |
|: | |
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| | |
|Appl|November 15th, 2017 |
|. | |
|Dead| |
|line| |
|: | |
| | |
Please find the call attached.
(See attached file: AFD_Visiting Professorship_HS18.pdf)
lic.phil. Miriam Buchmann
Nachwuchsförderung und Chancengleichheit
Medizinische Fakultät UZH, Dekanat
miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch
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