[Equal] MeF-Workshop | The Art of Self-Promotion: making an impact

miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch
Tue May 15 09:05:45 CEST 2018

Die Medizinische Fakultät UZH organisiert im Juni erneut einen Workshop mit
Prof. Dr. Kathleen B. Digre, Hedi Fritz-Niggli Gastprofessorin 2014 und
Ehrendoktorin 2018 der UZH:

The Art of Self-Promotion: making an impact

   What gets in the way of self-promotion
   How are women and men viewed differently
   Self-assessment of attributes that helps you have a style of
   How to combine strength and likeability
   Ways to advance your work and influence
   How can leaders give incentives for self-promotion

Prof. Dr. Kathleen B. Digre, University of Utah
Prof. Dr. Beatrice Beck Schimmer, Faculty of Medicine UZH
Prof. Dr. Klara Landau, Faculty of Medicine UZH

Date and time:
June 20th 2018, 3.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m., with coffee break

Target group:
Women Dr. med./MD/Ph.D.; employed at a Swiss University or Univ. Hospital

Until June 15th 2018; fillingthegap at dekmed.uzh.ch,
limited to 30 participants - first come, first serve

More information:

Beste Grüsse
Miriam Buchmann

lic.phil. Miriam Buchmann
Bereich Fakultätsgeschäfte
Nachwuchsförderung und Chancengleichheit

Universität Zürich
Medizinische Fakultät, Dekanat
Pestalozzistrasse 3/5
CH-8091 Zürich

+41 44 634 10 94 Telefon
miriam.buchmann at dekmed.uzh.ch

Anwesend: Mo-Mi, Do Vormittag
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