[Equal] Application Deadline 10 August! Professorship in Global and Regional Land Use Change (open rank)

Nicole Kälin nicole.kaelin at unibas.ch
Thu Aug 8 14:36:04 CEST 2019

Dear Equals

As we are seeking to have as much qualified women candidates as possible we would be very grateful if you could think of possible female candidates and forward the announcement of this open position for a professorship to women researchers or women networks in this field:


Professorship in Global and Regional Land Use Change (open rank)
The Department of Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of Science, University of Basel, invites applications for a professorship in Global and Regional Land Use Change (open rank). We are seeking a candidate with a strong record of innovative and high-impact research investigating the interaction between the anthroposphere and landscapes.
Your position
The new professor will help to further develop and strengthen research and teaching in geosciences within the Department of Environmental Sciences
(https://duw.unibas.ch/en/home/). Applicants are expected to investigate the influence of anthropogenic and biophysical factors on land use changes on different spatial and temporal scales. Research activities, including modelling or empirical evidence-driven research, may focus on anthropogenic drivers of ecosystem change and their influence on socio-economic transformations and adaptations to environmental risks, such as climate change, environmental drivers of migration, and/or impacts of climate and land use change on political processes on local to global scales. The future professor will teach courses within the Bachelor and Master of Arts programs in Geography, as well as Bachelor and Master of Science programs in Geosciences, including basic courses in Human Geography.
Your profile
Applicants should be able to demonstrate internationally recognized scholarly activities with a strong record of externally funded research.
We particularly welcome applications demonstrating an ability to combine methodological approaches within the fields of social, environmental- and geosciences.
We offer you
The Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Basel investigates the complex interactions between biosphere, geosphere and anthroposphere, and provides excellent research and teaching conditions in a stimulating and vibrant environment. It maintains a wide range of collaborations with other departments of the University of Basel, as well as national and international networks to other high profile research institutes. The University of Basel is an equal opportunity, family-friendly employer and encourages applications from female candidates.
Application / Contact
Applications (including CV, a list of publications, a letter of motivation, and a statement of research and teaching interests) should be sent by e-mail as one single pdf-document to:

Prof. Dr. Martin Spiess, Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 50, 4056 Basel, Switzerland.
(Email: dekanat-philnat at unibas.ch<mailto:dekanat-philnat at unibas.ch?subject=>).

Requests for further information can be addressed to Prof. Dr. Christine Alewell (Christine.alewell at unibas.ch<mailto:Christine.alewell at unibas.ch?subject=>).

The application deadline is August 10, 2019.

Nicole Kälin | lic. phil. | Leiterin Diversity
Universität Basel | Rektorat | Hochschulentwicklung
Steinengraben 5 | Postfach 2148 | 4001 Basel | Switzerland
Tel. +41 61 207 12 46 (Mo - Do) | www.unibas.ch/diversity<http://www.unibas.ch/diversity>

Coaching How to negotiate your contract for an academic position<https://fortbildung.unibas.ch/courses/veranstalter/diversity/coaching-how-to-negotiate-your-contract-for-an-academic-position-243590>
for female postdoctoral researchers

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