[Equal] High Potential University Leaders Identity & Skills Training Program (H.I.T.)
alexander.schaerer at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
alexander.schaerer at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
Tue May 14 17:44:14 CEST 2019
H.I.T. - High Potential University Leaders Identity & Skills Training
Program - Gender Sensitive Leaders in Academia
H.I.T. was launched as part of swissuniversities programme P-7 Equal
opportunity and university development 2017-2020.
The University of Zurich as leading house will draw from area-specific UZH
expertise, such as the internal collaboration with CHESS. Moreover, H.I.T
will benefit from key players’ knowledge of higher education institutions
all over Switzerland.
All ten cantonal universities and the two federal technical universities of
Switzerland are partners within the H.I.T. project. This concept of
collaboration encourages innovative forms of networking and knowledge
transfer between higher education institutions as well as strengthening the
networks and empowerment of the program participants.
Registration started on 13 May 2019
Universität Zürich
Alexander Schärer
Gleichstellung und Diversität
Seilergraben 49 (Empfang: Seilergraben 45)
CH-8001 Zürich
+41 44 634 29 41 Telefon
Arbeitstage: Mo, Di, Do-Morgen, Fr
alexander.schaerer at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
UZH Gleichstellung
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