[Equal] Antwort: Research and Innovation Excellence through gender equality: New pathways and challenges, 23-24 Oct in Helsinki
urte.reckowsky at wsl.ch
urte.reckowsky at wsl.ch
Tue Oct 1 20:34:07 CEST 2019
Lieber Christoph
Über das ETH-Netzwerk erreichte mich unten stehende Konferenzankündigung, schon für den 23./24.10.
Könnte interessant sein, fällt aber klar unter "nice to have", nicht unter "must".
Es scheinen nur die Übernachtungen (2 x 145 CHF) und der Flug anzufallen, die Konferenz selbst scheint kostenlos, da aus EU-Mitteln bezahlt.
Denkst du, ich sollte fahren?
Lieben Gruss
-----"equal" <equal-bounces at lists.inf.ethz.ch> schrieb: -----
An: <equal at lists.inf.ethz.ch>
Von: "Maya Widmer"
Gesendet von: "equal"
Datum: 01.10.2019 16:35
Betreff: [Equal] Research and Innovation Excellence through gender equality: New pathways and challenges, 23-24 Oct in Helsinki
Dear all,
Please take note of the updated program. It is still possible to register for the conference.
Kind regards,
Maya Widmer
GEMO Widmer
Research and Innovation Excellence through gender equality: New pathways and challenges
The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture organizes a conference on 23rd – 24th October 2019 in Helsinki, Finland on gender equality in research and innovation activities. The event is part of the Finnish Presidency of the European Union and is financed by the European Commission. The venue will be Scandic Hotel Grand Marina in the centre of Helsinki. You or a representative of your organization are cordially invited to actively participate. There are still some places free but they are filling up fast.
The registration closes on the 7th October 2019.
Equality leads to enhanced excellence in science, research and innovation. We need all genders and minorities on board to make sure we can tackle the grand challenges of our time. Europe needs to be inclusive to be competitive. The Research and Innovation Excellence through gender equality: New pathways and challenges conference in Helsinki in October 2019 brings together Europe’s top speakers and thinkers working towards that goal. Now is the time to influence the future of gender equality. Join us for an unprecedented event with discussions that will shape the actions and policies of tomorrow.
Why now?
The consensus on gender equality as a priority in the European Union has been under duress during the past few years, which highlights the need for a renewed and reinvigorated discussion on the future directions for the gender equality effort in research and innovation.
We need a better roadmap for institutional change to achieve gender equality throughout the system: from early education to the very top positions in R&I. The first EC Communication on Women in Science was adopted in 1999. The same year saw the founding of the Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation. Now, 20 years later, we turn to Helsinki again. Now is the time to take stock of the developments, improvements and lessons learned in the advancement of gender equality in research and innovation (R&I). It is also time to take action on the future of gender equality in R&I.
What’s the outcome?
This conference aims to put together a paper outlining what Europe needs to do to ensure gender equality in research and innovation in the future. The two-day event will culminate in publishing a co-created Helsinki Call for Action.
Who will be there?
Speakers and participants represent the research community, research funding institutions, top policymakers, innovation actors, the digital and tech industry, and NGOS’s. We are honoured to have former president and the first female head of state of Finland Tarja Halonen as our keynote speaker.
Follow the conference on Twitter at @NewPathways2019 together with the hashtag #NewPathwaysHelsinki!
How to register?
The website of the conference is here:
The registration is open here:
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Kindest regards,
Matti Kajaste
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö
Korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan sekä lukiokoulutuksen osasto, Tiedepolitiikan vastuualue
PL 29, 00023 Valtioneuvosto
050 573 1109
Ministry of Education and Culture
Department for Higher Education and Science Policy and General Upper Secondary Education
P.O. Box 29, FI-00023 Government, Finland
+358 50 573 1109
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