[Equal] Invitation: Lecture by Prof. Stephen Curry (Imperial College London) on SF DORA and gender equality, UZH 6 Feb 2020 4-6pm

karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
Mon Jan 13 09:17:59 CET 2020

Dear equals

You are cordially invited to the following event (please se below).

Best wishes
Karin Gilland Lutz

Public lecture: "The DORA declaration & gender equality: tackling bias in
research assessment"
Prof. Stephen Curry, Imperial College London & Chair of the DORA Steering

Welcome address: Prof. Michael Schaepman, Vice President Research UZH

For further information, please see:

Please register by email to: karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch

Thursday, 6 February 2020
4-6pm, followed by reception
UZH, Room RAA-G-01 ("the small aula")
Rämistrasse 59
8001 Zurich
   Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz                                                               
   Stv. Abteilungsleiterin                                                              
   Universität Zürich                                                                   
   Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz                                                               
   Gleichstellung und Diversität                                                        
   Seilergraben 49 (Empfang Seilergraben                                                
   CH-8001 Zürich                                                                       
   +41 44 634 22 16 Telefon                                                             
   +41 44 634 43 69 Telefax                                                             
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