[Equal] recruiting 2 PhDs & a post-doc to study diversity & leadership

Jamie Lee (Peterson) Gloor jamie.gloor at business.uzh.ch
Tue Sep 29 09:55:18 CEST 2020

Good morning Equals,

I wonder if you could please circulate the following *all-research/no
teaching* job ads in the areas of diversity and leadership to potentially
interested persons?

1. On behalf of my Exeter colleague, Harvard-trained Economist Oliver
Hauser, I send you his job posting for *a post-doc* in economics
<https://www.oliverhauser.org/postdoc-opportunity>(3-4 years) at Exeter (in
England). He's looking for someone with research experience in the field of
leadership and with the method of randomized field experiments.
2. I'm also looking to hire *2 PhDs*: a behavioral
economics/psychology/organizational behavior-oriented PhD (here
and a sociology/social networks-oriented PhD (here
for my new diversity and leadership SNF PRIMA project
These positions will be formally hosted at the Competence Centre for
Diversity & Inclusion <https://ccdi-unisg.ch/> at the University of St.
Gallen, but co-working from Zurich will likely be possible.

Thank you!


Dr. Jamie L. Gloor <http://www.jamiegloor.com/>
Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter
Digital Society Fellow, University of Zurich
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