[Equal] Challenging Inequalities Retreat organized by the Swiss Young Academy

Alexandre Bovet alexandre.bovet at swissyoungacademy.ch
Wed Jun 30 11:23:18 CEST 2021

Call for the Challenging Inequalities Retreat:

Creating space for First-gen/BIPOC/Jewish/Migrant Early Career Researchers

Time: Monday, 13th September 2021 - Wednesday, 15th September 2021

Place: House of Academies, Bern

Application deadline: 15th July

Language: English

Cost: Free

Organization: Swiss Young Academy

Early Career Researchers (ECRs) who are part of socially marginalized
groups have been identified as particularly vulnerable to the logics of the
neoliberal university as they additionally face discrimination. The
three-day retreat invites ECRs who identify as first generation academics
and/or Black/Indigenous/People of Colour/Jewish/Migrants to co-create a
transformative space where participants can openly talk about their
experiences, debate institutional politics, foster solidarity, and build
mentoring relationships.

Collectively, we will identify systemic obstacles, which should be
addressed institutionally so that inequalities and precarity in Swiss
academia can be combated.

You can participate if you are a PhD student or postdoc affiliated with a
Swiss academic institution, and self-identify as first-generation academics
and/or BIPOC/Jewish/Migrant. The participation will be free of charge and
accommodation and travel will be provided. Although the main language of
the retreat will be English, we do not expect a perfect mastery of English,
and ad hoc support will be provided.

The retreat will be facilitated by a wide range of experts, including
senior scholars and academia-adjacent professionals from different
disciplines who themselves identify as first-generation and/or

If you are interested, please visit
to sign up.
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