[ETH Diversity] Women Welcome on 3 Professorships at Coburg University

Recruiting-Professur Recruiting-Professur at hs-coburg.de
Mon Sep 26 14:32:11 CEST 2022

Dear equal-listeners,

please share in your networks, thank you!

Greets from Coburg

Renate Lucke

3 full and permanent professorships seeking expressly for women who wants to teach, do research and transfer, more on our job portal: www.hs-coburg.de/stellenangebote<http://www.hs-coburg.de/stellenangebote>

W2-Professur (m/w/d)

Lehrgebiet: "Kasuistik und Methodenlehre in der Sozialen Arbeit"

Zum Sommersemester 2023 oder spaeter

Bewerbungsfrist: 30.9.2022

Mehr: https://stellenangebote.hs-coburg.de/jobposting/0e9d8b817a7b8aeffa6b4a3ea6ea2e0fb7f2fe110?ref=homepage

W2-Professur (m/w/d)

Lehrgebiet: Visualisierung und Datenanalyse

Zum Sommersemester 2023 oder spaeter

Bewerbungsfrist: 1.10.2022

Mehr: https://stellenangebote.hs-coburg.de/jobposting/2e2506891f60658fde7fb2b031fc1f89aa7e9e190?ref=homepage

W2-Professur (m/w/d)

Lehrgebiet: Fahrdynamik autonomer Fahrzeuge

Zum Wintersemester 2022/23 oder spaeter

Bewerbungsfrist: 15.10.2022

Mehr: https://stellenangebote.hs-coburg.de/jobposting/242f6813484f7e3df786a2e1ef3a6bb22276c4260?ref=homepage

Coburg is a small but vibrant city in Upper Franconia, North Bavaria. Living costs are low, family friendly and full nature for leisure time. Coburg University of Applied Sciences has set itself the goal of promoting women's careers and therefore expressly welcomes applications from women. Coburg University of Applied Sciences is a member of the regional Dual Career Network Northern Bavaria, which can support partners of newly appointed professors in their job search.

Dr.in Renate Lucke (she)
Hochschule Coburg I ForschungsTransferCenter
Recruitingbeauftragte Professorinnen

Tel.: 09561 317 267
E-Mail: recruiting-professur at hs-coburg.de<mailto:recruiting-professur at hs-coburg.de>
Web: hs-coburg.de/nachwuchsfoerderung<http://www.hs-coburg.de/nachwuchsfoerderung>

#werdeprofessorin <https://werdeprofessorin.de/warum-professorin-werden/>

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