[ETH Diversity] Invitation to workshop «Reforming Research Assessment in an Open Science Environment»

Alexander Schärer alexander.schaerer at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
Tue Apr 25 20:55:30 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues

We are pleased to invite you to a half-day event on reforming research assessment in an Open Science environment on Monday, 15 May, 2023, 9.45-13.00, at the SNSF headquarters in Bern (Wildhainweg 21, 3001 Bern, Room U-102). Please see the detailed program below.  

We are delighted that Kim Huijpen, Universities of the Netherlands, will present the Dutch national program on recognition and rewards «Room for everyone’s talent», which will serve as a basis for discussions with Kim and between the participants on insights and perspectives for Switzerland. Moreover, please note that the event is part of the global «DORA at 10<https://sfdora.org/dora-10th-anniversary-events/>» celebrations! (It might not yet be visible on the DORA website).   


The event is intended for professional staff as well as researchers in the Swiss research and higher education sector who are involved or interested in the areas of research(er) assessment, Open Science, equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), and related areas.

This is a public event, however places are limited and registration is required. Please register here: https://www.gleichstellung.uzh.ch/de/projekte/hi_frame/hi_frame_news/reforming.html

Please feel free to share this information within your professional networks.


We look forward to seeing you in Bern!

Best wishes,

Katrin Milzow, Isabel Bolliger, and Michaela Strinzel, Strategy Division, SNSF 

Karin Gilland Lutz and Mihaela Falub, Office for Gender Equality and Diversity, UZH 

Katherine Hermans and Manuela Höfler, Open Science Office, UZH 

Danielle Bütschi, Open Science Coordination, Rectorate, UNIGE 


09.45 Welcome

Katrin Milzow, Swiss National Science Foundation

09.50 Lecture «Room for everyone’s talent»

Kim Huijpen, Program manager, Universities of the Netherlands

Moderated by Katherine Hermans and Manuela Höfler, University of Zurich

10.30 Q&A with the audience

11.10 Break, refreshments, networking

11.30 Breakout groups: Insights and possibly perspectives for Switzerland

Moderated by Danielle Bütschi, University of Geneva

12.30 Plenary discussion of the group work

Moderated by Mihaela Falub and Karin Gilland Lutz, University of Zurich

13.00 Ends with informal picnic lunch

Alexander Schärer

Projektleitung Kommunikation / Abteilung Gleichstellung und Diversität

Universität Zürich
Alexander Schärer (Pronomen: er/sein)
Gleichstellung und Diversität
Seilergraben 49 (Empfang: Seilergraben 45)
CH-8001 Zürich

+41 44 634 29 41 Telefon

Arbeitstage: Di, Mi, Do-Vormittag, Fr

alexander.schaerer at gleichstellung.uzh.ch

UZH Gleichstellung und Diversität
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