[ETH Diversity] Network Diversity UZH: «What’s in a name? Bias in peer review»

Alexander Schärer alexander.schaerer at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
Fri Sep 1 16:33:58 CEST 2023

Public lecture: «What’s in a name? Bias in peer review» Prof. Stefan Palan, Monday 25 September 2023, 4-6pm

The Network Diversity UZH and the URPP Equality of Opportunity invite you to attend this lecture by Prof. Dr. Stefan Palan (University of Graz) who will talk about his extensive research on peer review, academia’s most important quality assurance mechanism. The lecture will be followed by a Q&A as well as a networking apéro.

For more information and to register, please visit https://www.gleichstellung.uzh.ch/de/ueber_uns/grundlagen/diversity/netzwerk/meeting3.html


4:00pm Welcome & opening remarks

Prof. David Dorn, Director of University Research Priority Program Equality of Opportunity

4:10pm Lecture «What’s in a name? Bias in peer review»

Prof. Stefan Palan, University of Graz

5:00pm Questions from the audience

5:30pm Apéro riche

Monday 25 September, 4-6pm


Rämistrasse 59

8001 Zurich

RAA-G-01 («small aula»)

Yours sincerely

Karin Gilland Lutz

Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz

Stv. Abteilungsleiterin


Universität Zürich

Gleichstellung und Diversität
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