[Ipeg-all] Doktorierenden-Kolloquium / Mitgliederversammlung am GIUZ: 12.6. 9-12H

. s a r a . sara.fabrikant at geo.uzh.ch
Tue Jun 2 16:22:27 MEST 2009

Dear IPEG Colleagues

As discussed, this year we will hold the IPEG Doktorierenden- 
Kolloquium at the GIUZ on FRI June 12, 2009 featuring four speakers  
(1 ETH, 3 UZH), followed by a business lunch-meeting. Schedule and  
place information will follow. Please let me know if you are  
attending (for planning purposes), and please circulate this  
information to your groups and especially doctoral students.

Tentative  A G E N D A

.. 09.00-12.00 Kolloquium (30 Min. talks, 10 Min Q&A)
.. 12.00-13.00 Business lunch-meeting

Please let me know if you have "Traktanden" for this meeting. I will  
circulate the list, schedule and place information with a follow-up  
I do have a small action item for all of you to prepare for our  
business-luch meeting. In your groups, please think ahead of time of  
where you would like the IPEG community to go in the imminent future.  
A couple of questions that we could discuss at the meeting:
. What has worked well so far, what not?
. What would you like to see happening more/less?
. What have you felt missing in the last years that we should/must  


1: Protokoll der letzten Versammlung
2: Mitteilungen (Präsident; Vizepräsident; GOGI; Mitglieder;  
bezüglich Professuren in Erdbeobachtung und Geoinformation in der CH;
Bachelor/ Master Programme an der ETHZ und UZH.
3: Neue Mitglieder, Austritte
4: Aktivitäten (Doktorandenkolloquium, andere Aktivitäten)
5: Varia
6: Nächste Mitgliedversammlung

Protokoll 28.10.2008 (im Anhang)

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s a r a   i r i n a   f a b r i k a n t
                                   p h d
. . . . . . . . . . . g e o g r a p h y
university of zürich
winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 zürich
                   tel: +41-44-635.51.50
                   fax: +41-44-635.68.48
. . . . . . http://www.geo.uzh.ch/giva/

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