[Oberon] Installable file systems and subdirectories

muller at inf.ethz.ch muller at inf.ethz.ch
Fri Jul 19 08:41:05 CEST 2002

Antony Tersol <tony at appliedsolarenergy.com> wrote:
> If NO continues with no subdirectories, then hierarchical views are
> necessary.

1. Native Oberon (post 2.3.6) has installable file systems (see OFS.Tool).

E.g. I use the following commands to access my Aos and FAT partitions
and create a non-persistent ramdisk volume:

OFSTools.Mount AOS AosFS IDE2#5 ~
OFSTools.Mount C FatFS IDE0#1 ~
OFSTools.Mount RAM RamFS 512 2048 ~

System.Watch (or OFSTools.Watch) shows the currently mounted file systems
and their search order.

Partitions.Show displays all disk partitions and their types.

2. Subdirectories can be used on file systems that support them
(the default Native and Aos file systems don't).

E.g. after the above commands, I can execute:

Desktops.OpenDoc AOS:Oberon.Text
EditTools.OpenAscii C:/oberon/aos.par
System.CopyFiles RAM:Temp.Bin => C:/oberon/aos.bin ~

> This topic was discussed in a thread back in '99:

Installable file systems were added to Native on 27.09.99, see:

Complete FAT support (FAT32 and long file names) was added 
on 24.04.01, see:

This shows how outdated the 2.3.6 release is.  I plan to start 
working on a new release after my PhD exam at the end of the month.

-- Pieter

Pieter Muller, Computer Systems Institute, ETH Zurich / MCT Lab, Zurich
Native Oberon OS: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/native/

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