[Oberon] System Freeze in Oberon System
Patrik Reali
reali at inf.ethz.ch
Thu Aug 22 23:46:18 CEST 2002
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [Oberon] System Freeze in Oberon System
> Pieter Muller writes:
> Yes, this indeed seems to be a problem. The Decoder shows that the
> problem is that the copying of the value parameter in dosomething
> is done from low memory to high memory. In some circumstances this
> can also cause a crash in Native Oberon and Aos.
> A possible fix would be to do the copying in the other direction.
> Compiler-Patrik, are you listening? :-)
This time I was listening :-)
Anyway, till the end of october my time for Oberon will be rather limited,
I will be fixing the urgent problems.
I've prepared a fix for this problem for both OP2 and Paco. The only problem
is, I'm only able to test it on the compilers by bootstrapping them (which
was fine),
but have no chance to test it by compiling the whole system before two
So it would be nice if somebody could please make a quick rebuild to
validate my fixes.
About the OP2 fix:
* in OPC.Enter, substitute MoveBlock with MoveBlockReversed
(this already solves the ploblem)
* in OPL.GenRepMovs, I wrote an optimized version that
tries to make REP MOVSBs for backwards moves whenever possible
(like in the forward REP MOV implementation). This change is optional
but recommended for performance reasons
About the Paco fix:
I took the stack-touch approach: beginning from the top of the destination
memory block, the block is touched every 4096 bytes (one memory page).
This approach is simpler to implement, as Paco has no reverse copy block
operation, and should also fit both back-ends (Bernhard please confirm for
the StrongARM!).
The proposed fixes are in the attachment.
OP2 Changes:
(use MoveBlockReversed instead of MoveBlock)
PROCEDURE Enter* (proc: OPT.Object; dataSize: LONGINT; node: OPT.Node);
VAR par: OPT.Object; x, z, t0, t1, size: Item; step, scale: SHORTINT; useRef: BOOLEAN;
BEGIN (* !!later due to a bug this procedure looks no longer very nice *)
useRef := (proc # NIL) & (proc.sysflag # 0);
IF proc # NIL THEN
OPL.FixupLocalProcCall (proc); (* fixup local procedure calls and assign target pc to procedure *)
par := proc.link
ELSE par := NIL;
Gen1 (enter, dataSize, node);
WHILE par # NIL DO (* copy val parameter SDynArr, OpenArr *)
IF par.mode = Var THEN
IF (par.typ.comp IN {OpenArr, SDynArr}) THEN
MakeVar(x, par);
TypeSize(x, size, step, scale);
ASSERT(step IN {OPO.Bit8, OPO.Bit16, OPO.Bit32});
ASSERT(scale IN {OPO.Scale1, OPO.Scale2, OPO.Scale4});
Gen2(neg, t0, size);
z.mode:=RegRel; z.adr:=ESP; z.inx:=t0.adr; z.scale:=scale; z.typ:=OPT.linttyp;
loadAdr(z); OPL.Instr [pc-1].hint := OPL.useESP;
IF step # OPO.Bit32 THEN (*clear the last 2 bits -> grows down!*)
z.typ := OPT.linttyp;
MakeCon(t0, OPT.linttyp, -4); t1 := z; Gen3 (and, z, t1, t0); OPL.Instr [pc-1].hint := OPL.useESP
MoveBlockReversed(z, x, size, step);
MakeVar(x, par); x.typ := OPT.linttyp; z.mode:=Reg; z.adr:=ESP; Move(x, z)
ELSIF par.typ.comp = DynArr THEN
MakeCon(x, OPT.linttyp, 0); GenPush(x); (*allocate*)
MakeVar(z, par);
x.mode:=RegRel; x.adr:=ESP; x.offs:=0; x.inx:=none; x.typ:=par.typ; x.descReg:=none;
CopyDynArr(x, z);
MakeVar(z, par); Move(z, x);
ELSIF useRef & (par.typ.comp IN {StaticArr, Record}) THEN (* copy array, record *)
z.mode := Var; z.typ := OPT.linttyp; z.node := NIL; z.adr := par.linkadr; z.mnolev := par.mnolev;
x.mode := VarPar; x.typ := OPT.linttyp; x.adr := par.adr; x.node := NIL; x.mnolev := par.mnolev;
MakeCon (size, OPT.linttyp, par.typ.size);
MoveBlockReversed (z, x, size, OPO.Bit8)
par := par.link
END Enter;
PROCEDURE GenRepMovs (VAR instr: Instruction);
(* repMovs *)
src, dest, nofElem, tmp: SHORTINT;
FindLoadReg (instr.dest, dest);
ASSERT (dest IN {EAX..EDI});
IF dest # EDI THEN
IF instr.dest >= 0 THEN AssignThisReg (instr.dest, EDI)
ELSE GetThisReg (EDI)
OPO.GenMOV (RegReg, EDI, dest, noInx, noScale, noDisp, noImm);
IF ~(dest IN {ESP, EBP}) THEN regTab [dest] := free END;
FindLoadReg (instr.src1, src);
IF instr.src1 >= 0 THEN AssignThisReg (instr.src1, ESI)
ELSE GetThisReg (ESI)
OPO.GenMOV (RegReg, ESI, src, noInx, noScale, noDisp, noImm);
IF ~(src IN {ESP, EBP}) THEN regTab [src] := free END;
FindLoadReg (instr.src2, nofElem);
ASSERT (nofElem IN {EAX..EDI});
IF nofElem # ECX THEN
IF instr.src2 >= 0 THEN AssignThisReg (instr.src2, ECX)
ELSE GetThisReg (ECX)
OPO.GenMOV (RegReg, ECX, nofElem, noInx, noScale, noDisp, noImm);
IF ~(nofElem IN {ESP, EBP}) THEN regTab [nofElem] := free END;
IF (instr.inx = AL) & (instr.hint = noHint) THEN (*8-bit move, forward move*)
OPO.GenMOV(RegReg, tmp, CL, noInx, noScale, noDisp, noImm);
OPO.GenShiftRot(SHR, ImmReg, ECX, noBase, noInx, noScale, noDisp, 2);
OPO.GenTyp1(AND, ImmReg, tmp, noBase, noInx, noScale, noDisp, 3);
OPO.GenRepString(MOVS, EAX);
OPO.GenMOV(RegReg, CL, tmp, noInx, noScale, noDisp, noImm);
OPO.GenRepString(MOVS, AL);
ELSIF (instr.inx = AL) & (instr.hint = 1) THEN (*8-bit move, backward move*)
OPO.GenMOV(RegReg, tmp, ECX, noInx, noScale, noDisp, noImm);
OPO.GenShiftRot(SHR, ImmReg, tmp, noBase, noInx, noScale, noDisp, 2);
OPO.GenTyp1(AND, ImmReg, CL, noBase, noInx, noScale, noDisp, 3);
OPO.GenRepString(MOVS, AL);
OPO.GenTyp1(SUB, ImmReg, ESI, noBase, noInx, noScale, noDisp, 3);
OPO.GenTyp1(SUB, ImmReg, EDI, noBase, noInx, noScale, noDisp, 3);
OPO.GenMOV(RegReg, ECX, tmp, noInx, noScale, noDisp, noImm);
OPO.GenRepString(MOVS, EAX);
OPO.GenRepString (MOVS, SHORT (instr.inx))
IF regTab [ECX] = Occupied THEN FreeReg (ECX)
ELSE DecReg (ECX) (* nofElem *)
IF regTab [ESI] = Occupied THEN FreeReg (ESI)
ELSE DecReg (ESI) (* src *)
IF regTab [EDI] = Occupied THEN FreeReg (EDI)
ELSE DecReg (EDI) (* dest *)
END GenRepMovs;
Paco changes:
PROCEDURE LocalArray*(code: Code; par: PCT.Parameter);
VAR x, size, dim: Item; reg, mask: PCLIR.Register; aligned: BOOLEAN; offs: LONGINT;
reg2, const: PCLIR.Register; begin, end: Label; skip: BOOLEAN;
MakeItem(x, par, 0); LoadAdr(code, x); offs := x.offs;
(*compute size*)
dim.mode := RegRel; dim.adr := x.breg; dim.offs := x.boffs; dim.type := PCT.Int32;
GetArrayBaseSize(code, size, x);
aligned := (size.mode = Const) & (size.value MOD 4 = 0);
DOp(code, PCS.times, size, dim);
skip := (size.mode = Const) & (size.value < 4096);
Load(code, size);
GenConv(code, PCLIR.convu, size, PCLIR.Address, FALSE);
PCLIR.EmitLoadConst(code, const, PCLIR.Address, FALSE, 0);
PCLIR.Emit12(code, PCLIR.add, reg2, PCLIR.SP, const);
PCLIR.Emit12(code, PCLIR.sub, reg, PCLIR.SP, size.adr);
IF ~aligned THEN
PCLIR.EmitLoadConst(code, mask, PCLIR.Address, FALSE, 0FFFFFFFCH);
PCLIR.Emit12(code, PCLIR.and, reg, reg, mask);
PCLIR.Emit01(code, PCLIR.loadsp, reg);
IF ~skip THEN
DefLabel(code, begin);
PCLIR.EmitLoadConst(code, const, PCLIR.Address, FALSE, 1000H);
PCLIR.Emit12(code, PCLIR.sub, reg2, reg2, const);
end := code.pc;
PCLIR.Emit02C(code, PCLIR.jb, reg2, PCLIR.SP, -1);
PCLIR.EmitLoadConst(code, const, PCLIR.Int8, FALSE, 1000H);
PCLIR.EmitStoreRelative(code, 0, reg2, const);
PCLIR.Emit0C(code, PCLIR.jmp, begin);
PCLIR.FixList(code, end, code.pc);
PCLIR.Emit0C(code, PCLIR.label, 0);
PCLIR.Emit03(code, PCLIR.move, x.adr, reg, size.adr);
(*store address*)
PCLIR.EmitStoreRelative(code, offs, PCLIR.FP, PCLIR.SP)
END LocalArray;
----- End of forwarded message from Patrik Reali -----
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