[Oberon] PPP

Peter Easthope peter_easthope at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca
Mon Dec 30 20:10:18 CET 2002


Here are a few questions.

PPPMain.InstPPP does 

Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Par.text, Oberon.Par.pos);

reads the parameters for the command from this line
in Oberon.Text,

Device0 = { "PPPMain.InstPPP", "COM1 \silent"}

and then uses InInt(i) to read an integer, 4.  There are these
two lines of code.

(*MRUWant*)InInt(i); INCL(wo.O, NegMRU); wo.MRU:=1500;
IF HDLC.debug THEN Debug.String("MRUWant "); Debug.Int(i, 5) END;


1. Where does InInt read 4 into i from?  "4" is not a 
parameter of  "PPPMain.InstPPP" in Oberon.Text.

2. Debug.String("MRUWant "); Debug.Int(i, 5)

puts "MRUWant     4" in the PPP.Log.  Considering 
that the default value for MRU is 1500, this value of 
4 seems weird!

Any ideas?

Thanks,             Peter

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