[Oberon] Trap in storing a FAT file.
Peter Easthope
peter_easthope at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca
Mon Jun 30 19:12:01 CEST 2003
On one pc there is a trap in half of all attempts to
store a FAT file. I've never used a trap report to chase
down a bug and can use a little guidance. Can anyone
tell me where to begin with analysing this report.
Thanks, Peter E.
TRAP -14 NIL reference ( 00000000H ) (PC Native 05.01.2003)
OFSFATVolumes.AssignDirectoryEntry PC = 22443
c = 00000000H
dc = 00000000H
direntry = 00000010H
dummy = 0
num = 0
p = 003976E0H
pos = 0
res = 0
vol = 001B5700H
OFSFATVolumes.WriteDirectoryEntry PC = 24169
@dim = 2048
chksum = 00000000X
cluster = 0
d = 0
dirCache = 00000000H
direntry = 00000010H
dummy = 0
idx = 0
k = 0
n = 0
pos = 0
res = 0
t = 0
unicode = 47, 75, 69, 82, 77, 73, 84, 47 ...
vol = 001B5700H
OFSFATFiles.Rename PC = 2781
d = 52958
f = 0033FF40H
fn = "MAILIN.Bak"
fs = 00307140H
i = 18
new = "/KERMIT/MAILIN.Bak"
newf = 00000000H
newpath = "/KERMIT/"
oldpath = "/KERMIT/"
rep = 00000000H
res = 0
t = 40114
OFS.Rename PC = 4688
fnew = "/KERMIT/MAILIN.Bak"
new = "C:/KERMIT/MAILIN.Bak"
nfs = 00307140H
ofs = 00307140H
pnew = "C"
pold = "C"
res = 0
Files.Rename PC = 2024
new = "C:/KERMIT/MAILIN.Bak"
res = 0
ET.RenameOld PC = 14016
bck = "C:/KERMIT/MAILIN.Bak"
i = 20
res = 0
ET.store PC = 14672
R = 00000034H
S = 00000030H
V = 00000000H
ch = 00000000X
f = 00000000H
len = 0
par = 0018FC60H
r = 00000028H
tF = 0039F320H
typ = a
ET.StoreAscii PC = 15089
Oberon.Call PC = 4860
Mod = 00067240H
P = ET.StoreAscii PC = 15079
i = 3
j = 13
name = "StoreAscii"
new = FALSE
par = 0018FC60H
res = 1
TextFrames.CallCmd PC = 12027
F = 00345960H
cmd = "ET.StoreAscii"
new = FALSE
par = 0018FC60H
pos = 80
res = 1
TextFrames.Call PC = 12915
F = 00345960H
S = 00000048H
h = 0
hint = "ET.tem."
i = -1
new = FALSE
pos = 69
TextFrames.Edit PC = 20137
F = 00345960H
Keys = {1}
M = 00000060H
R = 0000004CH
X = 404
Y = 591
beg = 0
buf = 00000000H
ch = 00000000X
end = 0
keysum = {1}
pos = 69
text = 00000000H
time = 0
TextFrames.Handle PC = 21222
F = 00345960H
F1 = 00000000H
M = 00000020H
ET.Handle PC = 10006
F = 00345960H
M = 0000000CH
T = 0016B1C0H
handled = FALSE
ml = FALSE
tF = 00345960H
MenuViewers.Handle PC = 4432
M = 00000014H
Main = 0039F320H
Menu = 00345960H
V = 000770C0H
V1 = 00000000H
Oberon.Loop PC = 8578
M = 00000010H
N = 0000000CH
V = 000770C0H
X = 404
Y = 591
ch = 00000000X
keys = {1}
oldshift = {}
shift = {}
System.Init PC = 20212
F = 00369200H
S = 00000044H
T = 00369180H
Wt = 00000050H
ok = TRUE
OFSBoot.Call PC = 426
c = System.Init PC = 19688
cmd = "Init"
i = 11
j = 4
m = 001633E0H
protect = TRUE
OFSBoot.BootSystem PC = 2780
s = "System.Init"
OFSBoot.$$ PC = 13
@SELF = 0003F480H
SELF = 0003F480H
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