[Oberon] copying failed
Alan Freed
AlFreed at ohio.net
Tue Jul 8 21:31:14 CEST 2003
>>I can move files to/from this partition in Linux, and in BlueBottle I
>>can read files
>>off of this partition (after it is mounted, of course). However, when I
>>try to write
>>from my AOS partition into my DOS partition in BlueBottle using
>> System.CopyFiles AOS:file.name => DOS:file.name ~
>>I get the error message:
>> AOS:file.name => DOS:file.name copying failed
>>Any ideas on what is wrong?
>Maybe the FAT32 file system has the "cleanly unmounted" flag not set.
>This can happen if the system crashed before. I don't know if Linux
>will set the flag, or if it just ignores it.
>Check the kernel log for suspicious messages like "mounted read-only".
>In this case you could force Bluebottle to mount the partition as r/w,
>using ",X" at the end of the mount command. This will then ignore the
>flag. If cleanly unmounted, the flag will be restored, so the next mount
>should work, even without the ,X .
I mount my DOS partition via the Oberon.Text
System = {
InitCommands = {
{ OFSTools.Mount DOS FatFS IDE2#05 ~ }
The System.Log reports this event as
DOS: mounted
I changed the command to read as
{ OFSTools.Mount DOS FatFS IDE2#05 , X ~ }
The outcome is the same, and in both cases I get failed file copying from
the AOS to DOS partitions.
I thought the file manager might have something to do with this so I
it from my InitCommands string. What I can say is that when I had the file
manager being installed, that when I closed Oberon and the file manager the
mouse was frozen on the BlueBottle screen - even Ctrl-Alt-Del did nothing.
Not loading the file manager fixed this problem, so there must be a bug in
the file manager somewhere.
While I'm on the topic of the file manager, may I suggest adding two
to the manager. It already has buttons for: open, delete and rename.
Can buttons
be added for copy and move (which are handy when you want to handle files
across partitions).
>The safe way would be to run a scavenger like scandisk. The Bb scavenger
>is work in progress, not to be expected before the 31.12.03 release ;-)
Sounds like a useful tool.
>Oberon at inf.ethz.ch mailing list for ETH Oberon and related systems
Alan D. Freed, Ph.D. E-mail: Alan.D.Freed at nasa.gov (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Polymers Branch FreedA at bme.ri.ccf.org (Mondays)
NASA's Glenn Research Center AlFreed at ohio.net (Wednesdays & Fridays)
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