[Oberon] Re. HyperDocs.Tool
easlab at absamail.co.za
easlab at absamail.co.za
Wed Mar 24 09:01:34 CET 2004
Chris Glur wrote:
> > Since I'm unaware of any changes that I made to my system, and now
> > all Desktops.OpenDoc http://... trap, I speculated that a universal
> > change to ALL http://.. had occured. Like I'm the only person in the
> > world still using 486 machines !
Edgar wrote:-
> Perhaps you are :-) A couple of weeks ago I dusted off an old 486 machine.
Well, I found a 586-box on the scrap heap, and together with a VGA
which I had previously fixed from the scrap heap, I "installed"
linux:Mandrake9 - which needed 586. What a can-of-worms !
Each "updated" version of linux is more complex/bloated and has less
utility for me. What a relief to get back to n-o.
> > TRAP -14 NIL reference ( 00000014H ) (PC Native 11.10.2001)
> > HTMLImages.ImgIcon PC = 5551
> > key = 53
> > keyAttr = "IMGKey"
> > HTMLImages.IMG PC = 7583
> > C = 00000018H
> > E = 0044EB80H
> > P = 0014C7E0H
> > S = 000000A8H
> > alt = "Valid HTML 4.01!"
> > attr = ""
> > battr = 00000000H
> > border = 0
> > doc = 00000000H
> If I have time at the weekend perhaps I will install a NO 11.10.2001
> on it to give your traps at try.
What I've done so far is:
1. using previous Oberon.Text didn't solve it.
2. using the old/previous partition/installation did.
3. so I suspect I have a modified *.Obj , which can be traced by
examining/comparing sizes of the 'newer' *.Obj.
Using stuff like:
System.Directory SYS:*.Obj\d
System.Store Directory *
RX.Grep Directory \i ".2002"
is a breeze compared to trying to 'fix' linux.
== Chris Glur.
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