[Oberon] Re: FTP.

shark at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca shark at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca
Wed Jun 16 17:26:06 CEST 2004


cg> I think you implied that another client got the full [without hanging]
dir-listing, which was also correct [as per the severs dir-contents].

Yes.  Anarchie on the old Mac system works
fine against ftp://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/ .

cg> Searching my RFCs file doesn't give a direct answer only:-
Subject: <URL:http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1725.txt>

Thanks.  I'll look at those.

cg> BTW. I deleted you original post, but guessed your FTP to be:

It is private access only to 
ftp://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/ .  
For anonymous access use 
Desktops.OpenDoc http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/ .

Regards,          Peter E.


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