Help? Re: [Oberon] Oberon XML database and webforum

John Drake jmdrake_98 at
Wed Nov 10 23:46:22 CET 2004

Ok.  This code did work.  I promise it did.  But
now I'm getting a STRANGE trap.

TRAP 6  Type guard failed in thread OberonLoopObj

NameList.Person.Internalize  PC = 121
	@SELF =  00C9DA50H NameList.Person
	s =  00000000H
	xml =  01D3A8D0H XML.CharData (XML.Content)
PrevalenceSystem.RestorePersistentObject  PC = 11223
	@for = 0
	container =  00000000H (XML.Container)
	content =  01D3A8D0H XML.CharData (XML.Content)
	contentEnum =  00FFC7B0H XMLObjects.ArrayEnumerator
	contentList =  00FFC7F0H TFClasses.List
	j = 0
	pContent =  01D3A8D0H
	persObj =  00C9DA50H NameList.Person
PC = 13278
	@SELF =  01D171B0H PrevalenceSystem.PrevalenceSystem
	desc =  01D17090H
	elem =  01D38570H XML.Element
	elemName =  01D38758H
	enum =  007B9190H XMLObjects.ArrayEnumerator
	isRoot = TRUE
	isRootString =  01D3F078H
	logDoc =  00CB5550H XML.Document
	logFile =  00C95A90H Win32FS.File (AosFS.File)
	logRoot =  007AAAB0H XML.Element
	logRootName =  007B90B8H
	moduleName =  01D3D5F8H
	objWrapper =  00000000H
	objectName =  01D3DC98H
	oid = 11
	oidCounterString =  01D1B9F8H
	oidString =  01D39AF8H
	p =  01D38570H
	savingCounter = 28
	savingCounterString =  01D3E9D8H
	snapShotDoc =  01D1A190H XML.Document
	snapShotFile =  01D174D0H Win32FS.File (AosFS.File)
	snapShotRoot =  01D1B1B0H XML.Element
	snapShotRootName =  01D1B398H
PrevalenceSystem.PrevalenceSystem.Init  PC = 2310
	@for = -1
	@SELF =  01D171B0H PrevalenceSystem.PrevalenceSystem
	i = 0
	logFn = "PrevalenceLog.XML"
	name = "StandardPrevalenceSystem"
	p =  00000000H
	prevSys =  00000000H
	snapShotFn = "PrevalenceSnapShot.XML"

This is the code for NameList.Person.Internalize:

PROCEDURE Internalize(xml: XML.Content);
VAR s: DynamicStrings.String;
BEGIN s :=
END Internalize;

Apparently the variable "xml" is of type XML.Content,
but not the child type XML.Container?

I've tried this one two different computers.  It will
work for a while and then just blow up without any
apparent explanation.


John M. Drake

--- John Drake <jmdrake_98 at> wrote:

> Thanks Luc!  I've coded my first two simple Oberon
> based XML databases.  The code is at the Oberon
> Wiki.
> I do have some more questions about the 
> DynamicWebPagePlugin system.  For instance do you 
> have the dxp code to test the ExerciseGroups.Mod 
> module?
> Regards,
> John M. Drake
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