Re (2): [Oberon] LinAos

John Drake jmdrake_98 at
Mon Sep 5 22:58:01 CEST 2005

--- Pieter Muller <pmuller at> wrote:

> > I had a look at
> > So I would just use this existing project. I
> wanted to register with Sourceforge
> > but it didn't work just now. I will try again.
> > Then I guess Pieter will have to accept me as a
> developer :-)
> Sure, just mail me.
> BTW I see Sourceforge has quite a lot of advertising
> on the web site
> and in the mailing lists.  I hope that doesn't
> become too offending.
> cheers
> -- Pieter

Speaking for myself I'm not bothered by the ads
at SourceForge, but then again if ads bothered
me I wouldn't be using Yahoo mail. ;)

I see only one minor drawback to SourceForge and
that is the lack of a CVS client for Oberon.
(Or if there is one I don't know about it.)  I
had once thought about WebDAV for such a project,
but the eth WebDAV server is down more than
up.  (I think it's down now.  I quit trying
to use it.)  I've tried the WebDAV client with
a Zope webserver and I suppose a free Zope
server could work.  Anyway, the good think
about SourceForge is that it's pretty much
guaranteed to be up and running.  Also this
can improve Oberon's visability, especially
if you include keywords like "Webserver,
FTP server, DivX viewer, Java VM" ect.


John M. Drake

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