AW: [Oberon] Newbie question re. BB

Rene Krywult rene.krywult at
Sat Sep 17 03:03:52 CEST 2005

That did the trick, thank you.

So, it seems again that he who can read (and does it) has an advantage :-).

Now if anyone could point me to the documentation of how to get the 
network going.....

Thanks again


>Hi Rene!
>>...Now, when I start the computer, the boot manager lets me select Bluebottle, and then it starts booting and stops
>>writing "OBE".
>>From BootLoader.Text (contained in AosSys.Zip, should also be on the boot CD):
>O The partition boot record is loaded and its execution started.
>OB The partition boot record is relocated in memory.
>OBE The rest of bootstrap loader (from sector with LBA 1 to 3) is loaded.
>OBER The signature (AA55H as first two bytes in the second sector) was valid, the boot loader was authentified.
>OBERON loading... The boot table, containing configuration strings, was read correctly.
>Execution of machine code located in the second sector began.The kernel is being read. All is well, the desktop should appear soon.
>Hmm...So the boot loader cannot authentify itself... I suggest: Boot from CD,  start Oberon and have look at the outcome of Partitions.ShowBlocks IDE1#1 1 1 ~ The first two bytes should be AA55H. If this is not the case, update the Oberon boot loader (OBL.Bin) using Partitions.UpdateBootLoader IDE1#1 OBL.Bin ~ (and adjust the BIOS drive number to 81H, again)
>>Is there a way to get the exact configuration used by the CD? 
>Yes. Enable Scrolllock before booting from CD will display the configuration strings. Press 'c' to continue booting.
>But the used configuration cannot be your problem since its only relevant after "OBER" (boot table will be load) and used after "Oberon loading..." (boot table content will be queried using AosBoot.GetConfig()). 
>Sven Stauber
>Oberon at mailing list for ETH Oberon and related systems

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