[Oberon] Strange Oberon users ?

easlab at absamail.co.za easlab at absamail.co.za
Sun Oct 30 15:21:59 CET 2005

Imagine coming across a society whos members never use
facilities which you find essential for life, yet who seem
to cope perfectly well.   Like shoes or 'artificial heat'.

How do they prepare their food without 'artificial heat' ?

Here's another screaming example for the need for a
date-ordered directory listing:
the file-backup method of 'cycling through 3 media'
 A,B,C, ie. the old data is just left [as a backup] when
 the new data is copied from B to C, seems simple and 

With many partitions, the probability of an eventual
break in the link of logical partitions becomes significant.
[safety/redundancy in the links is also interesting]

When uncertainty of which of 2 or 3 partitions is the oldest,
even if the partition are from different MOBOs [computers]
and date-stamped by different clocks, the ability to just 
consider the newest files [since the latest backup] would be 
most valuable.

If a System.Directory <Partn>:*\d
  could be date-ordered, one could merely compare
the newest files of the 2 partitions - perhaps 2 %.

Doesn't any body else need such facilities, or is there a secret 
re. not having to cook the potatoes which I don't know about ?

== Chris Glur.

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