[Oberon] Problems with networking WinAOS (again).

Dan Parnete dan.parnete at fastwebnet.it
Tue Nov 8 12:19:34 CET 2005

John Drake wrote:

>That reminds me.  I have some issues compiling under
>BBw.  The (basic) webserver works fine, but there
>isn't an object file for DynamicWebpagePlugin.  I
>tried to compile it, but it just hung up.  I can
>compile some programs under BBw but others I can't.
We have noticed that the compiler hung up in this situations:
- some cross references (Alex Popescu has posted the issue on 16 sept 2005)
- imported imported module does not exist at compilation time
Or better if compiling just module A, witch imports B, and B imports C, 
but for any reason C.Obx is not present, the compiler goes in loop, 
without any error message.

I have started to prepare a new BBw version. If you tell me the modules 
you need, I can include them.

Dan Parnete

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