[Oberon] How do I set initial window size in Unix/Linux Oberon?

Guenter Feldmann fld at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Wed May 17 19:07:35 CEST 2006

Am Mittwoch 17 Mai 2006 06:19 schrieb B. Smith-Mannschott:
> Back the in the days of DECOberon V4 (am I that old?) I used to be
> able to say something like::
>    oberon -geometry 1024x768
> Alternately, is there some way to get the initial viewer layout to
> scale when the window is resized manually?

Unfortunately the Unix ports of Oberon don't adhere the geometry
parameter any more. They always use the full screen. I don't remember 
why I droped the geometry parameter years ago.

If you want a smaller Oberon desktop, you have to modify the following
lines in procedure OpenDisp in module Displays.Mod and recompile

               (* adjust to physical window size *)
                X11.GetGeometry( d.display, d.primary, gRoot, 
						gX, gY, gW, gH, gBW, gD );
                IF gW MOD 8 # 0 THEN  DEC( gW, gW MOD 8 )  END;
                X11.ResizeWindow( d.display, d.primary, gW, gH );


-- Günter

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