[Oberon] Bluebottle and Intel Mac without VM

Alexander Hofmann alexander.hofmann at new-h.de
Mon Jan 22 00:11:18 MET 2007


Does the Bluebottle ISO image currently available for download support
USB-Keyboards within the Bootloader?

I'm currently trying to boot Bluebottle on my Intel Mac Book without
emulation, but beside the Message "OBERON loading..." nothing serious
happens, till the Screen turns black and the System hangs...
I would like to change some of the config-strings, but can't get into
the Editor, holding down [shift] doesn't work...
(I remember some previous version of Bluebottle succeeded in displaying
the config-strings)

Does anyone else have an Intel Mac and is trying to boot (or even
succeeded in booting) Bluebottle?

best regards,
Alexander Hofmann.

PS: I've already sent this message some days ago, but didnt' get it back
from the list, thats why I'm sending it again... if you already got it,
please excuse me...

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