[Oberon] Darwin Oberon 2.4.3

John Drake jmdrake_98 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 4 23:20:38 MEST 2007

Yippie!  AOS on Linux!  That means that it shouldn't be hard to port it to
a PS 3. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Guenter Feldmann <fld at informatik.uni-bremen.de>
To: ETH Oberon and related systems <oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch>
Cc: Nick VE <nick.ve7 at gmail.com>; Klaus-Peter Reimers <k_p_r at freenet.de>; Felix Möller <felix at derklecks.de>
Sent: Tuesday, April 3, 2007 1:55:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Oberon] Darwin Oberon 2.4.3

Am Samstag 24 März 2007 04:07 schrieb Roger Vossler:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know if Darwin Oberon has been ported to Mac OSX 10.4.x on
> Intel Macintosh hardware? 

Since 1/2 hour it is up and well!

It is not Oberon2.4.3. It's the alpha of the Unix hosted Aos which can now be
used on Linux/x86, Solaris/x86 and Darwin/x86. It is far from completion but
the Native Oberon part is fully functional. In short: Aos core modules + Oberon 
+ concurrency + paco compiler.

-- Guenter
Oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch mailing list for ETH Oberon and related systems

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