[Oberon] New A2 native release

Ulrike Glavitsch ulrike.glavitsch at inf.ethz.ch
Fri Dec 11 16:24:53 MET 2009

Dear A2 users,

a new native A2 release (rev. 2731 of Dec. 11, 2009) is ready for 
download at www.bluebottle.ethz.ch.
It contains the new interruptible garbage collector that now functions 
properly for multi-core machines.

I want to thank all those who helped finding errors during the process 
of making this release stable.

I wish everybody good luck with the new release.

Best regards

Ulla Glavitsch

ETH Zurich
Ulrike Glavitsch Eggler
Institute for Computer Systems
Clausiusstrasse 59
8092 Zurich

ulrike.glavitsch at inf.ethz.ch

+41 44 632 70 49 phone
+41 44 632 13 07 fax

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