[Oberon] Reiser - Wirth book

Duke Normandin dukeofperl at ml1.net
Thu Sep 30 15:59:13 MEST 2010

On Thu, 30 Sep 2010, Treutwein Bernhard wrote:

Hello Bernhard,

> I vaguely remember that there was something ...
> but apparently ftp://ftp.inf.ethz.ch/ is down.

Yes! I saw it there, but like you say, the A2 ftp server is in a coma
- again! ;)

> Thanks to Jan Verhoeven who has provided a copy:
> http://fruttenboel.verhoeven272.nl/Oberon/data/ProgrammingInOberon.tar.gz

I have that, thanks. However, the conceptual questions in the
exercises are not dealt with in Jan's bundle. I think though, I've
changed my mind about _how_ I want to learn Oberon. "Programming in
Oberon - Steps Beyond Pascal and Modula" is for CS students and
mathematicians - not a hacker and and long-time string manipulator
like me. I wish that I could find an Oberon tutorial that resembles
the approach taken in the following Icon language tutorial:

"Icon Programming for Humanists", at http://unicon.sourceforge.net/ubooks.html
 - bottom of page. If you (or anyone else on this list) are aware of
 such a document, would you please let me know? Thank...

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