[Oberon] Free ride on other systems goes far.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 09:31:26 CET 2013

 Bernhard wrote:-
 > > [...] ETH Oberon (2.4.3) for Linux x86
> this one:
> ftp://ftp.ethoberon.ethz.ch/ETHOberon/Native/LinuxBased/
> or do you use any other?

 That apparent simple question, could have a complex answer,
because it concerns multiple moving targets.

Unless you kept carefull notes how would you know the details
of the 'pen which you bought years ago'?  You just use it.
And the URL may have changed.

But no, Gunter Feldmann prefers to refer to unix, although
I've been running his LEO under: Mandrake9,FC1,Slak13

Native/LinuxBased is LNO which can't do all the tricks of LEO.
OTOH the discipline imposed by LNO's constraints has less
chance of making me crazy. N-O constraints of no file-tree, forcing
you to mount separate partitions, forces you to manage, rather
than just run-amok! I'm hoping that LNO will soon be able to run
on rPi - under FrameBuffer. LNO can mount N-O partitions, LEO can't.
Unless there's a hidden trick to do that too?!

 == Chris Glur.

 PS. Here's my failed attempt to find my <LEO>.tgz
 which shows:

 I fetched the <x86_Linux_Oberon_SOURCES>.tgz
  recently and would like to ask about:
   how to get the Frame corresponding to a <markedDocument>
->System.Execute locate tgz | grep nix == fails
->System.Execute locate beron  | grep nix  ==
== that's NOT it.

->System.Execute whereis LEO ==
LEO: /usr/local/bin/LEO /usr/local/sbin/LEO

->System.Execute less /usr/local/sbin/LEO == ...

->System.Execute ls /mnt/hdc6/home/oberon  ==
Aug07ftpDir   Log ...

->System.Execute less /mnt/hdc6/home/oberon/Log ==
Sat May 13 01:28:06 SAST 2006
Readme says:
 > tar zxvf  x86_Linux_Oberon_r243_Sys.tgz  == OK

->System.Execute less /mnt/hdc6/home/oberon/Aug07ftpDir  ==
2007 Aug 26  see latest version ?
FTP.Open ^
-rw-r--r--  1 101  111   10859491 May  7  2006 x86_Linux_Oberon_r243_Sys.tgz
== same old file = latest == x86_Linux_Oberon_r243_Sys.tgz = 10859491 bytes !

-> System.Execute chroot /mnt/hdc6/ locate r243 ==

-> System.Execute ls -l /mnt/hdc6/home/Debug/*
== ...
3492833 2009-02-08 05:36 Unix_Oberon_r243_Src.tgz

-> System.Execute chroot /mnt/hdc6/ whereis oberon
== oberon: /usr/local/bin/oberon /usr/local/oberon

-> System.Execute ls -l /mnt/hdc6/usr/local/bin/oberon
==...852 2006-05-13 09:53 /mnt/hdc6/usr/local/bin/oberon
==...852 2006-05-13 09:53 /mnt/hdc6/usr/local/bin/oberon

-> System.Execute ls -l /mnt/hdc6/usr/local/oberon
== V4 stuff

-> System.Execute less /mnt/hdc6/usr/local/bin/oberon
...ohome=/home/oberon  ...

-> System.Execute ls -lt /mnt/hdc6/home/oberon | awk '{print $5 " : "  $8 }'
1306 : Aug07ftpDir
24576 : system
12288 : obj
4096 : utils
8192 : docu
215 : RecoverNewsMod
621 : inst.oberon
2857 : Log
330 : lpr
14576 : linux.oberon
10384 : linux.oberon.nothr <- I use this simplest one
4096 : XFonts
12529 : testglibc

-> System.Execute  locate 243
== None! Well, I failed to find my x86_Linux_Oberon_r243_Sys.tgz

-> System.Execute  ls -l /mnt/hdc11/
== ...
drwxr-xr-x 70 root root   4096 2012-08-02 11:54 Debug
drwxr-xr-x  7 root root   4096 2012-07-20 22:15 ETHZ

-> System.Execute  ls -l /mnt/hdc11/ETHZ
== not there

-> System.Execute  ls -l /mnt/hdc11/Debug
== ...
4096 2011-07-12 02:58 LNO

=== I failed to find my <LEO>.tgz

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